What a cop out.
But for most people, if you ignore local, state, national, or international politics, then you're not being part of the solution.
Especially where the property is irreplaceable and of high value, such as museums.
Both sites contain buildings, gardens and art works that would be a great loss to the world if they caught fire.
>national sovereignty
>functioning borders
>effective voting rights
>separation of powers
>the rule of law.
Leftism/Socialism fights against these things.
Leftists/socialists (generally) deal with form over substance. Words over actions. Identity politics.
Progressivism is, by definition, based on the claim that what exists is flawed & that it should be reviewed in light of advancing theoretical knowledge.
One mindset sees value in what is newly thought and felt.
Ironically, those who prefer new ideas over old ideas, also claim to be the rightful guardians of museums.
It's the ideas of the Left that work against the 5 principles I listed in tweet (15), resulting in risk to museums.
I always try to make lemonade out of lemons. This is an opportunity, a teachable moment.
This is a classic leftist view that ignores a few things...
But I say these are not sufficient. And the Center itself is at risk.
The future of the institution is of public interest. We all have a say in how it's run, just like in Brazil.
When a country is functioning well, private and philanthropic work can thrive.
Let's learn from Brazil.
The Getty Center website uses the language of the PR profession.
I really hope this tragic fire serves as a wake up call for people around the world willing to have an open mind.
Leftists are generally internationalists. They believe transnational govt or NGO organizations should be able to direct sovereign states to act.
Brazilians who blame govt for this fire are missing the point. Like a home buyer who fails to get a pre-purchase inspection then complains.
Museum managers have info like "there are no sprinklers. The smoke alarms & fire hydrants don't work."
Complaining, while not removing the artifacts, won't fix a thing.