Uncle Jr Giuliani: Trump legal team may try to block Mueller from releasing final report
Which speaks to #TeamTreason’s guilt does it not? 🙄
Imagine reading indictments noting ‘GOP Candidate1” within the text of the complaints, kinda makes my toes curl if so!
Wife of former NRA President tapped Butina in pursuit of jet fuel pay day.
📌In preparation for conflict countries stock pile jet fuel.
KS Supreme Court agrees Douglas County must summon grand jury to investigate KOBACH.
Obstruction of justice: Trump tweets
John McCain used his funeral and memorial services to send a final, bipartisan farewell message to America
The senator has asked us to do our part to fulfill the promise of America. Now it is our duty to demonstrate that his faith in us was not misplaced.
BB:”New Danske Bank internal investigation shows $30 billion of Russian money flowing through Danske Bank, including millions from the Magnitsky murder case. This is a gigantic increase over our initial estimate of $9 billion of dirty money” #MagnitskiMoney
Jack Bryan received strange threats while making Russia-Trump Documentary ‘Active Measures’ Why? 🎯
Myanmar Court Sentences Reuters Journalists Investigating Government Rohingya Killings to Seven Years in Prison
Poll: Biden leads Trump in early 2020 match-up
Silicon Valley is under pressure again, this time over online pedophilia
Chinese billionaire Liu of JD.com arrested in Minneapolis
Biden is the DEM that Trump fears most
📌OIL: It all eventually connects back to Alfa..and to the Dossier..

CV: “If Trump invokes executive privilege to block the Mueller report, I’ll release my own report detailing everything I know.
[About TeamTrump CambridgeAnalytica/SCL shenanigans].
It won’t be as good, but good luck utilizing executive privilege to stop me.”
US freezes hundreds of millions of dollars in Russian assets, Treasury Dept. says
Kremlin forces are still rooting for the GOP. And against his enemies, even in death (McCain).
Abbas: Trump's Team Offered Me to Establish a Jordanian-Palestinian Confederation
Priceless artifacts spanning 11K years went up in flames as an inferno swallowed Brazil's Nat’l Museum.
More than 20M pieces of history, including Egyptian mummies & historic artwork, may have been destroyed.
Gay caning stokes fear in Malaysia's LGBT com’ty
A federal gov’t transparency website made public dozens, if not 💯s, of Social Security #s & other personal information in a design error during a system upgrade.
Putin made a telling blunder in a shouting match w/Ukraine's president, France's Hollande says
Putin is going to extreme lengths to hide RU soldiers who are dying while fighting in Ukraine
Norwegian Police Launch Investigation Into Disappearance of WikiLeaks Associate Arjen Kamphuis was last seen two weeks ago.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to help families sue Trump over Hurricane Maria response
📌300kTroops & 900 Tanks: RU’s Biggest Military Drills Since Cold War
📌If Putin becomes militarily aggressive toward the EU, what is isolationist Trump likely to do? 😱
Lieberman: McCain ‘irreplaceable’
Despite Putin's concessions, Russians protest pension reform law
Campaigns are at serious risk of being hacked & @GOP congress refuses to hold a hearing to address cyber threats to protect campaigns & election integrity
Twitter CEO personally weighed in on company's handling of Alex Jones, Richard Spencer accts
Trump names official who has inaccurately purged voters rolls to oversee elex security
📌China's Xi offers another $60B to Africa, but says no to 'vanity' projects
With glee, RU political figures rejoiced over the passing of the late, great Sen. John McCain.😱
Russian & Syrian Nationals charged w/ laundering millions of US dollars for a designated RU company that shipped jet fuel to Syria in violation. Of US sanctions.
📌What do countries do before war? Stockpile jet fuel.
📌Things are ramping up. We are leaving Syria to Bibi, Erdogan & Putin.
📌I fear atrocities will happen to the Syrians & Palastinians creating more refugees; which is the mobster dictators’ plan😱
📌Bannon/GOP whipped up anti-migrant/refugee rhetoric/ propaganda Provokatsiya amongst the far R in the US & EU. (Riots in Germany).
📌Objective: create fear, horror, chaos to destabilize the west.
📌Putin will likely make aggressive moves on NATO countries
📌Anti NATO Trump will want to stay out of the conflict & will likely refuse to recognize Article 5 if called
📌Duarte is visiting BIBi to get weapons now.
📌Then likely Xi & Putin & KJU & Duarte will start a conflict in the South China Sea as a distraction.
📌Rubio & Trump are talking abt wanting to invade VZ which is a major objective of XI, Putin & Trump: Get VZ’s oil. Erdogan’s tankers are likely waiting to be filled.
📌Don’t forget the ME oil pipeline plan waiting to be built from RU through the ME to EU
Rest up #TeamPatriot, this next couple weeks will be epic!!
Lotsa corrupt #TeamTreason witches need bagging!

H/T @MingGao26
An independent investigation into the money-laundering scandal at Danske Bank found that as much as $30bn of Russian and ex-Soviet money flowed through its Estonian branch in a single year.
#Estonia #MagnitskyMoney
H/T @minggoa26
The many interesting connections involved in Butina & the NRA’s jet fuel caper...
Titov appt’d by Putin to serve as a business ombudsman, told a RU TV station that new inv’mt was likely to flow to Russia *ONCE US SANCTIONS WERE LIFTED*
Businesses "are waiting for this signal, and they believe it will soon come," he said.
Of course brilliant @louisemensch was light years ahead of MSM in her reporting @RealDonaldTrump's links to Russian jet fuel brokers.
PIMPOTUS – Trump Models and Russia’s Human Traffickers
By @LouiseBagshawe
📌Check out the second half of this article connecting Trump to Russian jet fuel brokers
The wife of David Keene, a former president of the NRA, reportedly offered accused Russian spy Maria Butina $1M to secure a massive amount of Russian jet fuel for an American middleman in a harebrained scheme that got Butina reported to the FBI
Which speaks to #TeamTreason’s guilt does it not? 🙄🙄🙄🙄
New research contends that a surge in handgun production and possession propelled murder rates in American cites — until new restrictions on firearms reversed the trendlines.
Palestinian President Abbas said Sunday that Trump's peace team offered him a political plan based on forming a Palestinian-Jordanian confederation. Abbas wants Israel included
The mystery behind a Flynn associate’s quiet work for the Trump campaign
“Flynn weaponized Data”
H/T @ThomasS4217
Operation Ghost Stories
Inside the Russian Spy Case
H/T @ericgarland
There hasn’t been a single hearing to address cyber threats to political campaigns and parties.
More than 20 million pieces of history, including Egyptian mummies and historic artwork, may have been destroyed.
📌Kobach in the barrel‼️
Kansas Supreme Court agrees Douglas County must summon grand jury to investigate Kobach
📌Tip of the iceberg
Saakashvilli - Petton - Giuliani - Ukraine and so much more ...
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to help families sue Trump over Hurricane Maria response
The wife of David Keene, a former president of the NRA, reportedly offered accused Russian spy Maria Butina $1M to secure a massive amount of Russian jet fuel for an American middleman in a harebrained scheme that got Butina reported to the FBI
Implications for the United States
President Trump’s former fixer may not be the most notorious client of power lawyer Lanny Davis at this moment
📌OIL : It all eventually connects back to Alfa..and to the Dossier...
USS Missouri
With glee, RU political figures rejoiced over the passing of the late, great Sen. John McCain.
New Yorker Festival Drops Steve Bannon From Lineup After Numerous Participants Pull Out
Apologies in advance if I don’t respond to your reply- my notifications clog & don’t load. DM me or @ me again to get my attn if important. Thank you.
September 3, 2018
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA