Drop 2086- Link to the U1 deal report by the NYT- Great detail of the Clinton/Russia collusion dating back to 2005. Ties in all the donations to the CF through Frank Giustra. Q also links in Mad Maxine to this deal- Financial Services Committee

#Qanon is trolling HRC by posting her recent tweet threads- Her recent increase in activity is FEAR driven and feeling the need to be more 'public' in social activities to demonstrate care & empathy. It is all a front- as we know- and just another ploy to muster support

#QAnon reminds of drop 1487- with the orig photos posted from AF1 in sequence in order to validate his continuity. Drop 1487 was preemptive to the attack on credibility later-now.

#QAnon changes focus back to the declas of the 'Russia' docs for congress. Remember drop 2066- where Q alluded to the 'DECLAS' of the docs this week. Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz & Lee Zeldin are asking Trump to declas additional portions of the FISA app

They also want the president to declassify and release all of the official notes filed by top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr as well as "other relevant documents". Trump said Tuesday, that he’s “looking very closely” at declassifying the warrant.
#QAnon posts a @SaraCarterDC article that bolsters the theory that @realDonaldTrump is about to declas the docs for congress. When this happens- Katy bar the door- “All these documents will expose how the FBI handled this investigation & give clarity to the public,”

#QAnon shared the video [26:00 mark] of Lindsey Graham's line of questioning in the Kavanaugh hearing. Very interesting line of questioning concerning Americans being tried under Military Law vs Criminal law. Precursor indeed!

#QAnon links us to the Trump tweet re: Anonymous op-ed in the NYT about Trump being unhinged and Amoral-Complete BS story-Planted fake news. Trump responds with one word: TREASON!