*Yes, the subject of just how much we vote "for" a PM is very much up for debate
Quick sidebar, the European Commission is essentially the "Cabinet" of the EU. If the Council is comparable to the leading party in the House of Commons, The Commission is the Cabinet of Ministers we have (9/35)
Except, that's all completely false, fed by misinformation and lack of information. Read on... (10/35)
Next, we had EU Parliament elections.. (12/35)
- European Council President elected in a comparable manner to how May recently elected as Tory leader.
- EU Parliament President elected in a comparable manner to the Speaker of the House of Commons
- European Commission President elected comparably to PM of UK (17/35)
Basically, votes can't be as good as 50/50, and a vote can't be carried by just member states that are the smallest states. Actual majority of constituents per country, and sureness of direction, is needed. (22/35)