Expectancy = Success Rate x Reward Risk Ratio
Lets Talk About Expectancy Of Short Term Directional Trading System.
Read On (1/n)
Reward Risk Ratio = Average Profit Per Trade / Average Loss Per Trade
If Success Rate is 0.5 and Reward Risk 2, Then
Expectancy = 2 x 0.5 =1
For Making Profit, Expectancy Should Be Positive Number (2/n)
1. Stock Selection
2. Entry Point
3. Initial Stop Loss
1. Stock Selection- Understand Trend Based On Higher Timeframe Buy Strongest Stock, Sell Weakest. (4/n)
3. Stop Loss - Too Tight Stop Loss Reduces Success Rate. Too Loose Will Lower Reward Risk. Balancing Act.(5/n)
1. Intital Stop Loss
2. Trailing Stop Loss
3. Profit Booking Exit
1. Initial Stop Loss - As Discussed
2. Trailing Stop Loss - Stop Loss Should Move In Favour Gradually, To Lockin Partial Profits In Case Of Sudden Reversal
System Needs To Be BackTested and Put In Live Trading To Arrive at It's Expectancy (7/n)
People Come To Market With Lot Of Capital and No Experience.
When They Leave, Most Have Lot Of Experience But No Capital (n/n)
Success Rate = No Of Profitable Tades/ Total Trades
Expectancy = (Success Rate x Reward Risk )- (1 - Success Rate)
If Success Rate is 0.5 and Reward Risk 2, Then
Expectancy = (0.5x2)-(1-0.5)