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Thread by @1776HotLips: "Did Kamala & Booker have a plan all along? Remember when Kamala asked Kavanaugh “Why was Gorsuch confirmed without issue and now there a […]" #WakeUpAmerica #ComfirmKavanaugh

4 tweets, 2 min read
9 subscribers
Did Kamala & Booker have a plan all along? Remember when Kamala asked Kavanaugh “Why was Gorsuch confirmed without issue and now there are allegations against you....why is that?” This is why.

Booker already admitted he released “Committee Confidential” docs. 1/3 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
If you listened to Booker on the Nomination Process, he admitted to releasing “documents” this shows his non-compliance with Committee and Senate Rules. 2/3

The Clinton machine will never go away. It has gone on for decades. To this day, (the Clinton’s) permeate every aspect of our govt.....even SCOTUS nominations. Think about that. THINK! 3/3

#WakeUpAmerica #ComfirmKavanaugh
For those who are confused....

The letter written by KAVANAUGH was written in 1998 while KAV was working for Ken Starr Not George Bush. He was an “independent counsel”👀👀👀👀
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