(—There is a Yoga-Shakti lying coiled or asleep in the inner body, not active.
When one does Yoga, this force uncoils itself and rises upward to meet the Divine Consciousness & Force that are waiting above us—)"
I think it awakens quite naturally the moment one takes the resolution to do the yoga.
If the resolution is sincere and one has an aspiration, it wakes up by itself.."
It is possible that it is a result of the Grace…
Sometimes just a simple conversation with someone is enough or a passage one read.. well, it awakens this Yoga-Shakti & it..makes you do yoga.."
(Q—What is it, this Yoga-Shakti?)
It's the energy of progress... which makes you do the yoga, precisely, makes you progress—consciously..
A conscious energy"
I think it's absolutely useless.
Some people think that there are more reserves of energy..in the earth, & that if they draw this energy into themselves they'll be able to do things; but it's always mixed.."
I think that is rather the expression of a degree of consciousness or a degree of materiality.. & so we say above & below for the facility of speech..."
But these energies are always mixed, and mostly they are terribly dark.."
It is precisely to go down into the darkness, to go far away from the light/consciousness in order to draw nearer to the darkness/inconscience.."
Sometimes one has even symbolically the impression of climbing a mountain to reach the summit..
& if one doesn’t take care, quite naturally one slips back into the ordinary consc.."
But if one doesn’t keep this aspiration and is not definitively settled there, a very tiny thing is enough.."
One slides down very fast but usually climbs back with a certain difficulty.
It is as when one struggles physically by yogic means with a disease, it goes alternately..."
But sometimes it is enough even to remember.. a memory of what it was is enough for everything to be reversed.."
So for these, it's better to go to the doctor b/c this means that they have no spiritual perseverance & only material means can convince them.."
To change one’s body one must be ready to do millions of times the same thing, because the body is a creature of habits.."
The true self is what is also called the truth of the being. It is the divine element which is your individual reality.
It is the divine element which makes you a separate individuality..."
It is human beings who have a psychic being which has been developed upon earth.. which is a projection of the divine Consciousness into Matter to awaken Matter out of its inertia so that it takes the path back to the Divine..."
There is always a divine Presence in the psychic being, but it is the divine Presence which was at the origin of the psychic formation..
The true self..precedes the terrestrial formation..."
If it is not at all possible, you must sit quite alone, try to become silent, call, call me as though I were there.."
And I think the result comes.
For it depends on the nature of the difficulty.."
if it's an inner movement, something that has gone wrong, then usually if one does this very sincerely, well, it's put back in its place;
& if it's a decision that’s to be taken.. it comes: “Yes” or “No”.."
You must say, “Good!” and follow like this.
But for this you must be sincere, in the sense that you must have no preferences..."
And it is here that one can make true progress, saying,
“Now I'm conscious that it is this that I desire, but I'm ready to give up my desire if that should be done”..."
Then just the very fact of formulating it clearly sometimes gives you the true picture of the situation & you can have the answer more easily.."
If one takes as an absolute discipline, instead of acting or speaking (because speech is an action).."