
Calling them "explosive devices" without a modifier (potential, suspected, possible) is also malpractice, bc it's dishonest.
Link to updates: edition.cnn.com/politics/live-…

>Promoting unity
>Supporting & appreciating law enforcement
>Doing everything they can to promote public safety
>Focusing on policy, in the election campaign.
Trump, McConnell, Scalise & others have been doing just that.
The total number of suspicious packages recovered is now 14. I've still seen no evidence that any of them contained a bomb. Yet they are reported as such.
#TrumpsFBI is not #ObamasFBI. Don't @ me with criticism of Wray, Sessions, Rosenstein, or any other handpicked Trump appointee. These men are making America safe again, & we have an election to win. #GOPUnity #VoteGOP

Always be vigilant, #SeeSomethingStaySomething. The FBI dropped the ball before Parkland, but IMO they have been improving all the time since.
All the LE agencies around the country that have worked on this are exceptionally skilled. We're so grateful for them! #ThankACop
As much as I detest Obama, any threat or attack on him is bad for the country. Period.
He urged anyone with info to contact the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI or tips.fbi.gov.
They barely covered this historic mass assassination attempt, & some of them literally said the GOP targets deserved it.
Don't be intimidated by their words at this time. You KNOW Trump & the #VoteGOP denounced Sayoc's acts from the start.
Clearly, the GOP is for law and order. Democrats are not.
You can see that on any issue covered in the campaigns.
Yes they were improvised explosive devices, not hoax devices. HOWEVER, current publicly available evidence shows they weren't designed to explode.
If you like my threads, please RT them, bc I'm shadowbanned & every RT helps us.