This is my thinking, based on observation, learning and experience.
I am a familiar face and I get a lot of attention wherever I am lakini mkurugenzi @coachyawe once asked, kama tunajua tofauti ya "user" na "customer"

This is only a tragedy when you haven't figured it out.
I noted that those who I thought would buy my physical albums were typical youth. Wrong!
I sold 10K copies but it was clear...
I noticed they were more invested in the product & music than the rest.
They bought the physical copy but already had all the songs saved & in their playlist.
They had an intimate relat8nship with the lyrics & the songs.
@Ngartia told me, to be more vulnerable in my lyrics, itasaidia.
Hopeful sita need ku unbutton top, ribs zionekane.
I am really clear about how to distinguish between "users" and "customers"
To determine what, where how to distribute efforts and resources.
1) Offline (one on one) i am going out more.
2) Market place has a way for me to connect, follow up and give more value.
3) Partnership - common purpose.
The best way to be consistent is by the same route, by how we got here.
Interacting, Knowing, Giving value to one customer at a time.
Kusema ukweli get tu new album #Masterpiece, mkule neno.
Anybody can have a number one song, sell biggest, most views.
"Hio ni success but repeated success ndio kua successful..."
Kuwai hii ndio muhimu zaidi.