Consider military (gov) where rank is part of the distinguished name field.
So what happens when someone gets a pay raise (get’s promoted)?
Each time that happens the DN changes which means...
Onto the certificate revocation list it goes...
New digital certificates are issued, access cards re-provisioned, CAs updated (and eventually synchronized).
Life goes on...
But what happens to the certificate revocation list (CRL)?
That’s a decade ago and there are ~1.4 million people in the US military this year alone (according to Google). Don’t forget that we’re talking about a lot more than just military people...
So what is the solution?
My understanding is that this motivated creation of the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP).
Which implies the US Govt. figured out the hard way, pre 1999, that names are hard.
Especially when you use them as key components in large systems.
Won’t be the last time.
/HT @LeaKissner - thanks!