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1. #ProjectMockingbird & the US propaganda machine.
Daniel Sheehan states that during his investigation, there were 42 NSA people employed by the national media agencies.
2. Retired AF (Special Investigations Unit) Richard Doty admits that they paid members of the press to help control the ñarrative of certain topics.
3. Doty continues and talks about events staged to make it look like there is some sort of interplanetary conflict going on.
Read 6 tweets
@whatkindofhell1 @johncardillo You don't know what happened either. No one knows because the media will never tell the whole truth, left/right, it doesn't matter. The media is always going to skew a narrative in one direction or another in support of the preferred agenda.
#Democrats #Republicans #Fakenews
@whatkindofhell1 @johncardillo In case you missed it over the last year, the only thing happening in America was decline and unrest. The Democrats continuously herald radically unsustainable and unconstitional ideas aimed solely at lining their own interests and fraudulently holding power indefinitely.
@whatkindofhell1 @johncardillo Nothing has improved under Biden. America isn't secure. Whether you can't see past the medias protection or not; the truth is within your reach.
Biden isn't respected and holds next to zero political influence; Biden was only an already paid-for asset installed through wide
Read 8 tweets
Ok. This is how far the world has flipped the polarity of society. If I switch on #MSNBC aka liberal cable news, any talk about anything but the official narrative, the disclaimer language comes in. "Unproven livestock deworming drug ivermectin" "baseless conspiracy theory that
CoViD escaped from a lab". Anyone who steps away from the narrative gets cancelled after a brief media trial by fire. If you have enough talking heads that condemn you, out of the club you go. Losing your career, friends, TV show, whatever gets you out of the zeitgeist. Let alone
if you are featured on the other sides news channel. Crazy right wing conspiracy theorists are celebrated on Fox News Channel, right Maddow fans? She tells it like it is, right? I never watched her faithfully, but I used some of her reporting on my podcast a few times. But that
Read 51 tweets
Barry Soetoro AKA @BarackObama when will the truth come to light? 1- Back In 1961 #POC were called “Negroes” So how come the Obama “birth certificate” state he is “African American” when that term wasn’t even used at that time. #LightToDark
2- The birth certificate the White House released list Obama’s birth as August 4 1961 and list Barack Hussein Obama as Father. No big deal right? #TheMoreYouKnow
3- At the time of Obama’s birth. It shows his “father age 25” & father was born in “Kenya East Africa” #ThesePeopleAreStupid
Read 10 tweets
💥 Enemies of Freedom💥

KEY🔑 to understanding what the Soros + McCain + Obama + Clinton Leviathan OSF/MCI/CGI/OFA/DNC are up to.

This must be stopped.


#KeepAmericaGreat 🇺🇸
This is in addition to the Smith- Mundt Repeal in 2013.

They claim propaganda is for countering terrorism etc.

They were busted using Twitter accounts to spread fake news before Trump even announced his entry into the presidential race.…
Forgot to add this one...

The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) uses "Radio Free" around the world.

This was a known CIA operation that the C(👁️)A supposedly got out of in the early 80's.

They also have the "Voice of America" (VOA) and others.
Read 6 tweets
1) These people call themselves the "new media"?

Seems that they are same as the old media.

Lets have a look.

#QAnon #WWG1WGA @POTUS #GreatAwakenening #redpill #PatriotsFight
#MSM #FakeNews #FakeNewsMedia #DeepStateinPanic #DrainTheDeepState #DeepState #DeepStateAgenda
2) Twitter attracts fame whores. A following, to many, seems to be this moth to a flame, some kind of a drug. Follow me. Follow me.

#QAnon #WWG1WGA @POTUS #GreatAwakenening #redpill #PatriotsFight
#DrainTheSwamp #DeepStateinPanic #DrainTheDeepState #DeepState #DeepStateAgenda
3) Strange how these guys all, in concert, say we are proven wrong over and over again. They're "sick of us" and have concluded without any doubt this is phony.

#Q #QArmy #POTUS #MAGA #Trump @realDonaldTrump #Crumbs #WakeUp #MakeItRain #Corruption #DrainTheSwamp
Read 23 tweets
1) Teachable moment for us. Eye the Spy, or now called something Cheshire Cat took our little corner by storm with bold statements about being NSA, etc.

I think it's safe to put this LARP to rest now.

#QAnon #WWG1WGA @POTUS #GreatAwakenening #redpill #PatriotsFight #EyebrowGate
2) It was cute while it lasted, but I don't think waiting until 9pm EST is needed. I must admit it was a well constructed, rather professional LARP, but it's a LARP.

#TheStorm #TheStormIsHere #WeThePeople #FollowTheWhiteRabbit
#GreatAwakeningWorldwide #DeepState #QArmy
3) The intention was to discredit Q team by appearing to be 100% committed, but then let everyone down by failing to deliver on predictions.

#QAnon #WWG1WGA @POTUS #GreatAwakenening #redpill #PatriotsFight #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStateinPanic #DrainTheDeepState #DeepState
Read 13 tweets
2) See #Qanon post below. Seems Q intentionally exposed the password to see who would take the "Q is comped bait." Trap set. Some exposed themselves...

#WWG1WGA @POTUS #GreatAwakenening #redpill #TheStormIsHere #WeThePeople #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #DrainTheSwamp #MakeItRain
3) Per the opinion piece above, you can see how this looks to have been a contain and control mission from the beginning for some people.

#QAnon #WWG1WGA @POTUS #GreatAwakenening #redpill #Q #QArmy #FakeNews #FakeNewsMedia #MockingBird #ProjectMockingbird #OperationMockingbird
Read 5 tweets
Someone labeled #QAnon a #conspiracytheory

It's not.

I can objectively show more than once what @realDonaldTrump was about to tweet before he did it and also show coordination between Q and the DOD, and Q and @JulianAssange.

Huge events are happening, it's time to awaken.
2) in addition, while it's still being uncovered, there are deeply coded messages within @realDonaldTrump tweets. The specific intentions behind all of this are many, but one vital one is to specifically prevent #conspiracytheories from being concocted.
3) Another reason disclosure is self evident, it's a public disclosure. It so happens that the disclosures are happening in a location where the user base is sufficiently #redpilled to accept the #truths -they are a bit tough to take for #normies
Read 24 tweets

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