-10B+ daily API requests served by @infura_io
-1M+ @trufflesuite downloads
-1M+ @metamask_io downloads
-12K+ live @Ethereum nodes
-48M+ unique #Ethereum addresses
-3x @LinkedIn #blockchain job openings
-@EY_US puts zero-knowledge proofs on #Ethereum
-@Kaleido_io plugs into @awscloud & @Azure
-@ProcterGamble, @GSK & @BHP are tracking goods on Ethereum
-@Hyperledger & @EntEthAlliance join forces
-@MorganStanley declares crypto a new institutional asset class
-The Philippines is connecting rural banks via a crypto-cash payment system
-Chile is using #Ethereum to track energy data
-Cryptoassets are protecting millions against hyperinflation
-@ConsenSysImpact & Project Bifrost
-@HalaSystems early threat detection
-Blockchain-authenticated food vouchers for Syrian refugees
-@ethBounties ocean cleanup in Manila
-Much more on positiveblockchain.io
-Private, secure, and fast browsing with @brave
-@ethStatus mobile dApp browser and wallet
-@uport_me's vision of the self-sovereign future
-@civickey authentication solutions
-@evernym trusted identity infrastructure
-StandardBounties + @GetGitcoin
-@AirSwap + @Opera + @MeridioRE
-@AragonProject, @DharmaProtocol, and @ZeppelinOrg on @kauri_io
-@polkadotnetwork interchain protocol
-BTC Relay
-@cosmos parallel blockchains network
-Token standards: ERC-20, 721, 948, @1337alliance
-Enterprise standards: @EntEthAlliance spec 2.0
-File storage: @ethswarm, @IPFSbot
-Naming: @ensdomains
-Messaging: Whisper
-@infura_io's secure, reliable, and scalable access to Ethereum and IPFS.
-@trufflesuite development made easy
-Pantheon from @PegaSysEng joins the client game
-@Kaleido_io blockchain business cloud
-Pedersen commitments
-Atomic swaps
-Light clients
-Hardware wallets
-@MessariCrypto token research
-Rimble design system from @ConsensysDesign
-@AlethioEthstats analytics suite
-@numerai Erasure data marketplace
-@CasaHODL multisig wallets
-State channels
-Improved consensus algos
-Satoshi gave us the code
-@aantonop keeps advocating the cause
-@VitalikButerin cares more about the ecosystem than personal fame
-@tayvano_ gave us a free interface for Ethereum wallets
-People breed digital @CryptoKitties
-@RickandMorty speak blockchain
-@NeerajKA's wisdom-filled memes
-Bountied songs about @WilliamShatner
-@VitalikButerin and his famous t-shirts
-@ChurchOfConsens, @ravecon0, @artifaqts wut
-Bridgewater’s radical transparency
-@Zappos flat hierarchy
-Valve’s rolling desk mentality
-Remote-first companies are tapping into global talent
-@ethBounties's global freelance economy
The developers, engineers, and technologists who #BUIDL
The smart contract experts who audit and secure the code
The designers who care deeply about user experience
The marketers who tell the story of Web3
The people at legacy institutions who demand their firms innovate
The kids that take the time to create @metamask_io accounts for their parents
The professors and academics who pioneer advancements in cryptography
The advocates and enthusiasts who adopt and believe in #blockchain
The nameless individuals who transact across the network and prove the protocol’s merits every single day
Alright enough tweetstorming. Let's get back to work.