A thread👇
She claims we will have our own trade policy, but there’s a key caveat: we can have an independent trade policy when we leave the backstop
On one hand, some such as Jo Johnson & Sam Gyimah are opposing deal to try to force 2nd referendum.
Others such as George Freeman prefer a softer exit – a Norway +

Unfortunately, I’m yet to speak to a single EU figure who thinks the UK could have a withdrawal agreement without a backstop.
Labour reject the backstop, complaining it could last indefinitely but seek to replace it with an indefinite customs union (albeit with a say over trade deals which isn’t on offer now).
Labour reject a Norwegian solution but instead support “a strong Single Market deal” – whatever that is.
From rows over Italy’s budget and Poland’s judiciary, to the crisis in France with the gilets jaunes, Brexit is far from the only show in town.
And without further changes to Withdrawal Agreement, there’s a serious risk of a disorderly no deal for which neither side is ready
Either give up on improving the deal, in which case they need to recognise that it will likely not pass the Commons.
Or, seek to make limited but substantive changes to help it on its way through.
[I can't see EU going for this but PM needs to be clear that it would be irresponsible not to consider it]
So it would be better for EU to look at changes - agreements, legal instruments & commitments, to work with domestic legislation in UK
2nd, we need to rule out an internal customs border imposed on Northern Ireland, either by EU or by UK replacing backstop with a NI-only customs union
3rd, we need to look again at exit mechanisms from backstop
But the European Commission already privately acknowledges that the backstop cannot endure for the long-term.
They also say it is weatherproof but not tsunami-proof.