12,000 MLD (Million Liters a Day) of Sewage is drained into Ganga everyday. Treatment capacity in-
2014: 485 MLD
2018: 4000 MLD (up by 8 times within 4 yrs)
94 more projects with capacity of 1900 MLD are ongoing
In Nov. 2018, sewage from Asia's biggest sewage Sisamau drain in Kanpur was successfully redirected to STP. It treats the water before draining into the river
This would clear another 140 MLD of drainage before releasing into Ganga
Many projects are ongoing along the entire Ganga route (Gangotri – Rishikesh – Haridwar – Kanpur – Prayagraj – Varanasi – Patna – Kolkata – Bay of Bengal) for-
constructing STPs,
forestation projects,
cleaning of ghats,
campaigns for educating the people

Minister for Water Resources, Mr. Gadkari has been sharing ground reports about the project through a series of two minute videos.
Short 2 minutes video about ground report from #namamigange projects at Gangotri -
Detailed project reports about Clean Ganga project are also accessible on the NMCG portal
With 6,000 MLD capacity, the project has already made 50% progress. Modi government is expected to clean 80% of the river by March 2019
#namamigange #ModiOnceMore @cleanganganmcg @nitin_gadkari @muglikar_ @IndiaPeCharcha @brakoo @c_aashish