Sputnik has made a number of false statements about me.
This matters, because facts still matter.
Evidence follows. Will a retraction follow too?
cc @SputnikInt
In fact, I was EU and NATO correspondent for @dpa_intl. That fact is discernible, because it's in my Atlantic Council bio.

Looks like @SputnikInt either:
a) didn't read it;
b) didn't understand it;
c) chose to suppress a material fact.

It quoted, i.a., a report I wrote for Parliament with @JEyal_RUSI.
Only para 25 said I +didn't+ accuse Corbyn of any conscious role.
A material fact, omitted.
Sputnik's claim was false. Again.
Post: medium.com/dfrlab/russian…

Here are the +full+ quotes, where I said you +couldn't+ connect the bots to the Russian state.
Material fact. Omitted.

If Sputnik were confused, their job was to ask. They didn't.