If you're interested in learning more about #rstats, Git(Hub), programming, databases, cloud computation, ML, etc., I'll be making all of my course material publicly available here: github.com/uo-ec607
Slides: raw.githack.com/uo-ec607/lectu…
Notebook: raw.githack.com/uo-ec607/lectu…
(With an application on scraping Men's 100m world record times from Wikipedia.)
Including an eccentric mix of applications from NYC trees... to US GNP data... to World Rugby rankings (most importantly obvs).
A whirlwind tour of (nearly!) all the main regression functions and packages that an applied economist could want: OLS, IV, FE models, robust and clustered SEs...
(No nice data visualizations for this lecture, so here is a picture of a border collie puppy instead. Also: objectively the best kind of puppy.)
Debugging tools, catching user errors... and caching results. (So that you don't have to live with the emotion of re-running everything when your code crashes.)
Learn how easy it is to run R code in parallel (and then congratulate yourself for being so awesome).
(Took a break from preparing lecture notes for this class and just went through @rOpenSci's excellent tutorial. Highly recommended.)
(Learn how easy it is to start working in the cloud and scale up your analysis with MOAR POWA!)
(Guest lecture by Nick Maggio, director of @uoregon's Research Advanced Computing Services. The lecture focuses on UO's "Talapas" supercomputer cluster, but there's lots of useful HPC info for outsiders too.)
Learn how to query relational databases directly from R like a boss. Featuring real-life examples from @GlobalFishWatch and other #BigQuery projects.