Speaking of the 4200 YouWIN beneficiaries that were given 210,000,000USD = N74,550,000,000. Where are the beneficiaries?
It would interest anyone who cares to know that under @MBuhari, out of the N500 Billion budgeted for the SIPs in 2016, only N179.8 Billion has been spent...
N-Power= 500,000 volunteers
School Feeding= over 9 million pupils, 96,972 cooks, 49,837 schools.
CCT= 297,010 beneficiaries of N5k monthly
GEEP= MarketMoni - 330,568 loans
TraderMoni- 1.3 million loans
National Social Register has 638,575 Poor & Vulnerable Households in 26 states.
All these with N179.8 billion in almost 3 years. It also covers running cost of the National Social Investment Office.
You can't compare @GEJonathan's
to @MBuhari's admin.