
To be honest, that feeling has never subsided.
Many of us knew well before that moment that Donald Trump had stolen the election.
But he had stolen more than that. He had stolen history too.
That loss. @BarackObama and @MichelleObama. We were losing them too.
Hillary Clinton.
Barack Obama.
The best of the best.

It felt almost macabre. And it felt wrong. I will never forget the support @MichelleObama gave @HillaryClinton that day.
It was not the first time, nor the last.

It still cuts deeply that people like @SusanSarandon had the fucking audacity to claim Clinton would be worse. What a grotesque lie.
That was a lie you could not even sell to some Republicans, who voted with & for America, for @HillaryClinton.
The nightmare was real.
It was the kind of lie dictators tell.
It is a stain that I doubt will ever be erased.
Trump's shutdown of the United States government is just the latest attempt by him and Republicans to destroy America.
He is a man who does not care about legacy, nor about history.
At this point Trump legitimately wants America to fail and its people to suffer widely.
We have committed the greatest sin. We did not love him.
We never loved him.
The most dishonest, unethical, treasonous, racist, misogynist man imaginable still leads us.
Humanitarian crisis?
This extraordinary exercise in gaslighting is diabolical. Trying to convince us that xenophobia is actually altruism is Dictatorship 101.
Puerto Rico is a humanitarian crisis, but a brown one.
But it is more than symbolic.
Far more.
Cost estimates would quickly be overrun and contracts to build it at every level would be awarded to allies and debtors.
Oversight would be laughable.
It's a mob bosses dream. The bottomless grift.
Donald Trump does not deserve to sit in the Office he stole.
He deserves to sit in a maximum security prison, in isolation, for the remainder of his natural born life.
Please fight for the idea of America. Fight to unseat and unmask this ridiculously incompetent facist overlord and his party.