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¿Conocéis nuestro sello @laotrah? Publicamos novelas gráficas que siguen la vida de personas importantes a lo largo de la historia. 
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@laotrah Este libro se centra en el activismo político de #AngelaDavis y nos acerca a la vida de uno de los iconos del #feminismo y una de las figuras más emblemáticas de la lucha contra el racismo y en pro de la igualdad en Estados Unidos. 
@laotrah Al inicio de este libro, #PrimoLevi conoce a los alumnos de la escuela en Turín. De la mano del escritor, los niños aprenderán qué fue el #Holocausto, y conocerán la experiencia en primera persona de uno de los supervivientes del infierno de #Auschwitz.
Read 12 tweets
"Non ero salita sull'autobus per essere arrestata.
Io volevo andare a casa".

Il #1dicembre del 1955, alla richiesta di alzarsi e cedere il posto all'uomo bianco come ordinavano le leggi dell'epoca Rosa Parks disse di no e non si alzò.
La storia ci ha insegnato che la legge e la giustizia non si incontrano mai, il gesto di ribellione ad una legge ingiusta e razzista di Rosa Parks, pagato caramente con l'arresto, ha in parte cambiato la storia
e aperto la strada alla più grande battaglia per i diritti civili dei neri americani. Il tanto citato popolo, ma anche il singolo cittadino hanno un potere enorme, il problema, oggi, è che non lo sanno più usare.
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Wir sind nicht radikal. Die Politik zerstört radikal unsere #Lebensgrundlagen.
Wir brauchen einen radikalen politischen Wandel.
Radikal im Sinne von "von der Wurzel her". Es muss die Wurzel der Probleme JETZT angegangen werden!
Read 27 tweets
Ein Thread zu dem Video von @solmecke zu den Aktion vom @AufstandLastGen.#AufstandLastGen
1. Versammlungen, die auch nicht angezeigt wurden, sind durch GG Art. 8 geschützt
2. Ziviler Ungehorsam ist per definition eine Protestform mit Rechtsbruch. (1/17)
2.1. wichtig dabei ist, dass es um ein höheres, nicht eigennütziges, Ziel geht.
2.2.. Ziviler Ungehorsam ist ein urdemokratisches Mittel des Protests, das bereits seit den ersten griechischen Demokratien Anwendung findet. (2/17) Antigone bei der Beerdigung von Polyneikes Quelle: https://d
2.2.1. wichtig dabei ist (imho), dass "alle" anderen Mittel bereits ausgeschöpft sind, was bei der #Klimakrise der Fall ist: Petitionen werden ignoriert, Demos mit über 1 Mio. Menschen mit einem verfassungswidrigen "#Klimapaket" quittiert. (3/17) »"Das ist heute kein Durchbruch, das ist ein Skandal.&
Read 18 tweets
போராடி என்ன கிழிச்சிடுவீங்க என கேட்டும் சிலருக்கு இந்த கதை சமர்ப்பணம் !

போராடி கிழித்த கதை !

1955 டிச-1 அலபாமா மாகாணத்தின் Montgomery வீதியில் பயணிக்கும் ஓர் பேருந்தில் அமர்ந்திருந்தார் ரோஸா பார்க்-ஸ்.


அவர் அமர்ந்திருந்த இருக்கையில் இருந்து எழுந்து கொள்ளுமாறு ஓர் வெள்ளை இனத்தவர் அவரை பணிக்கிறார்!

நான் ஏன் எழ வேண்டும்? நானும் பயணச்சீட்டு பெற்று அதற்கான உரிய பணத்தை கொடுத்து தான் பயணிக்கிறேன் என்றார் ரோஸா!

இல்லை,நீ ஓர் ஆப்பிரிக்க அமெரிக்கை அதனால் நகர வேண்டும் என்கிறார்!

அதாவது, நீ கருப்பின பெண் நான் வெள்ளை இனத்தை சேர்ந்தவள் எனவே இடத்தை எனக்கு விட்டுக் கொடு என்கிறார்!

அவர் மறுக்கவே, அந்த பேருந்தின் ஓட்டுனர் மீண்டும் கருப்பர்கள் அனைவரும் பின் பக்கமாக சென்று அமருமாறு பணிக்கிறார்! அனைவரும் சென்ற பின்னரும் ரோஸா எழ வில்லை!

Read 19 tweets
As appalling & dishonest as comparisons being made to #RosaParks by conservatives this week, they couldn't get away with it as blithely if liberals didn't already misuse & mischaracterize lifelong freedom fighter Rosa Parks (without broad reproach). A short historical reminder:
On February 27, 2013, a bipartisan group of Congressional leaders joined Pres. Obama to dedicate the Rosa Parks statue in the Capitol's Statuary Hall. On that very same day across town, the Supreme Court was hearing arguments in voting rights case Shelby County v Holder.
Nancy Pelosi said "She did what was natural.She was tired so she sat down." Yet Parks herself criticized these stories of being 'tired' or 'hurting feet'. "It was just popular… because they wanted to give some excuse other than the fact that I didn’t want to be pushed around.”
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It is fitting to elevate #RosaParks on #TransitEquityDay & I’m reminded of Blk women who have held transit systems accountable from day 1. Just a few below, & I’d love to learn of others! Sister Harriet was manhandled on public transit @NedraDeadwyler @SPARCChub @waberosescott
Black while going to the 1880s…
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Too many epic moments throughout my Alabama trip - so much learning, pain & hope in #Montgomery, #Alabama. I’m humbled to have met ppl fighting the fight & doing all they can to heal from injustices that Black communities have endured. @LegacyMuseum @MemPeaceJustice @splcenter ImageImageImageImage
To walk on the actual paths that #MartinLutherKingJr & #RosaParks had once graced is really something. However, there were many who were not in the spotlight & deserve just as equal recognition for their efforts. #ClaudetteColvin and #MaryLouiseSmith, just to name a few...
The amount of inspiration I’m feeling is indescribable. What a HUGE bonus to be sharing this experience w/ two of the most awesome humans on this earth. Coly & Anita, our bonds are eternal.💗✊🏼 #mayaangelou #courage #themarchcontinues #blacklivesmatter  #justicenow #SocialJustice
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What galls me most about @EliseStefanik & @DevinNunes’s little stunt yesterday is the Right’s attempt to pass it off as a #shepersisted moment.… That’s an insult to heroic women who persisted, from @ewarren to #RosaParks. Let’s compare the two incidents: /1
@EliseStefanik @DevinNunes @ewarren During the Jeff Sessions confirmation hearings, after reading a letter from #Coretta Scott King, Warren was gaveled out of order on the grounds that she’d impugned a fellow Senator. This took Warren by surprise b/c the letter had previously been entered into the Senate record. /2
@EliseStefanik @DevinNunes @ewarren Warren persisted in reading the letter, was ruled out of order by a party-line vote, and was barred from speaking during for the rest of the debate.…… She was forced to read King’s letter outside the Senate.… /3
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“...people usually gain power through traits and actions that advance interests of others such as #empathy, #collaboration, openness, #fairness...when they start to feel powerful or enjoy position of privilege, those qualities begin to fade....(1)
...The powerful are more likely than other people to engage in rude, selfish and unethical behaviour” #RebeccaSolnit citing #DacherKeltner on his work studying relationship between empathy and power
“If power generates a cushion of obliviousness around it, those of us with power need to counter it. That means, first, treating people with respect, regardless of their status: not taking the invitation to disdain or ignore” #Solnit
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#BlackHistoryMonth starts today: a time to honor African Americans and their powerfully important contributions to our country. All month, we’ll be celebrating black women & the barriers they've broken – often in the face of systemic racism.
Let’s start #BlackHistoryMonth by honoring Fannie Lou Hamer: a fierce civil rights leader. Fannie Lou championed women’s rights, voting rights & workers' rights. She endured violence to help thousands of people register to vote & fight illegal segregation.…
Today on her birthday, we celebrate a powerfully important voice in the fight for racial justice: #RosaParks. Her courageous act on a Montgomery bus changed the civil rights movement & showed our country the power of protest.… #BlackHistoryMonth
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