Over the last few weeks, I have been noticing a well-grounded outrage pouring out on social media first, about how PTM leaders used the word Kaliya in a negative connotation & currently @SarfarazA_54 is rightly being owned for calling
As a Pukhtoon man, the first myth about Pukhtoons that I want to tackle head-on here is that you have to be light skinned to be characterized as a Pukhtoon, be it a woman or a man. All of my life I have faced it, I have always been called toor/toora
It all started with my grandfather calling me tor (black), coz i literally was the only dark-skinned kid in the family and then my paternal aunties & uncles started calling me tor makhi (black face)
The color of our skin in our society dictates how people treat us and view us. Honesty we have been brainwashed into thinking that light color is associated with purity, innocence
Whenever I would get into a fight with my czns my maternal aunties would always blame me for all the damage without even looking into the matter first coz to them, it was always a yell ” it is tor makhki, we know he did it, his heart is as dark as his skin”
To this day, when i tell someone im Pukhtoon they roll their eyes twice at me to make sure they are looking at the right person :)
To some, It might just be I, putting my business out in the streets & to some