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May 19th 2023
1) 💥Australia declared WAR on America💥


Here is what Durham can’t tell you❗️

Also - how the targeting of me implicates those who committed the ‘Crime of the Century’❗️ ImageImage
2) I’ll get straight to the point.

The exact moment Australia declared WAR on America was …

… when Alexander Downer handed the “Paragraph Five” disinfo cable to Elizabeth Dibble at the US Embassy in London. Image
3) As you all know, Alexander Downer and Erika Thompson (ASIO/ASIS honeypot) …

… attempted to extract fake “Russia Collusion” from Papadopoulos.

This rot was originally inserted by Mifsud (CIA). Image
Read 25 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
Those of you still laboring under the illusion that Western democracies and their media are "free" need to wake up. Western states decide what can and cannot be talked about - not through forced censorship, but through ownership. (1/n) #ohiotrainderailment #OhioChernobyl A 🧵
The way it works is that politicians are elected via expensive election campaigns requiring huge corporate sponsorship. So they are beholden to big corporates for their survival. The same big corporates own the press. (2/n)
So the big corporates tell politicians (whom they own) what to do and they then tell the press (which they own) to run stories that support the things that the politicians do at their bidding. The system works smoothly and nobody is the wiser. (3/n)
Read 16 tweets
May 14th 2022

🦉: ¿Qué es PINK SLIME?

🦉: PINK SLIME es un aditivo alimentario fabricado con desechos y subproductos cárnicos, principalmente compuesto por cortes de carne no aptos para el consumo humano, que reciben un tratamiento químico, para legalizar su venta.

1⃣/2⃣5⃣. Image

🦉: Desechos significa todo tipo de recortes sobrantes de carne de baja calidad.

🦉: Subproducto cárnico significa grasa aproteinada y tejidos conectivos remojados con un gas de amoniaco, o ácido cítrico, para matar bacterias como la Escherichia coli.

2⃣/2⃣5⃣. Image

🦉: Beef Products Inc, su fabricante, manifiesta que se trata de "carne", y no es correcto llamarlo "BABA ROSA" o "PINK SLIME". Aplican los términos "recortes de carne magra deshuesada" o "BLBT", y, "recortes de carne finamente texturizados" o "LFTB".

3⃣/2⃣5⃣. Image
Read 25 tweets
Apr 4th 2022
1/ Searching for the Truth. #Syria #Ukraine

May 2012: then foreign minister @bobjcarr expelled Syrian diplomats after the US blamed Syrian govt for 'the Houla #massacre'.
#auspol #ADF #RNBreakfast #RNDrive #LNL #abc730 #4corners…
2/ Searching for the Truth. #Syria #Ukraine
An investigation into the #Houla #massacre pointed the finger at anti-govt extremists. But there was no debate by #auspol.
#ADF #RNBreakfast #RNDrive #LNL #abc730 #4corners…
3/ Searching for the Truth. #Syria #Ukraine
Few questioned MSM narrative on Syria: govt bad; US supported 'rebels' good.
But @TurnbullMalcolm raised questions.

Ref: ……

@bobjcarr #auspol #ADF #RNBreakfast #RNDrive #LNL #abc730 #4corners
Read 8 tweets
Aug 25th 2021
How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health | The Corbett Report (05/02/2020) #documentary…
Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World | The Corbett Report (05/09/2020) #documentary…
Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid | The Corbett Report (05/18/2020)  #documentary…
Read 11 tweets
Jan 27th 2021
“El director ejecutivo de Alphabet, Sundar Pichai, ha apostado fuerte por la inteligencia artificial como elemento central del futuro de la empresa. Ahora, es uno de sus desafíos administrativos más complicados”, dice @WSJ

Quién es @sundarpichai
@sundarpichai es desde 2015 director ejecutivo de @Google, pero también deberíamos preguntarnos también qué es @alphabet_media
Todos estos nombres “van de la mano”. Y nosotros vamos con ellos y utilizamos sus plataformas y servicios, como yo y usted, lo hacemos a diario.
Sundar Pichai dio el salto de CEO de @Google, a lo que sería la nave nodriza #Alphabet, es decir, la matriz del gigante tecnológico.
Esto se produjo después de que los cofundadores de #Google, #LarryPage y #SergeyBrin, se hicieran a un lado en la dirección de la empresa.
Read 38 tweets
Jan 26th 2021
🔴 Expresidente de Rusia criticó las elecciones de EEUU y deslizó sus sospechas de fraude contra Trump.

Se trata de @MedvedevRussiaE quien realizó un duro análisis en una nota que publicó en su cuenta de @Twitter el 16 de enero, pero que no fue noticia.ísima-…
Así como he publicado notas de sociólogos pro #Biden por “la toma del Capitolio” y que publicó @ABC me parece también interesante ver el enfoque de un expresidente de Rusia 🇷🇺 de la importancia de @MedvedevRussiaE

Sobre la nota en #abcnews 👇…
Se que no son temas “muy populares”, pero créanme que definen las políticas mundiales y que terminan impactando en países del tercer mundo como #Argentina
La nota del expresidente ruso realmente es muy “interesante”.
Obviamente que la intención era desmenuzar su Nota, no a Rusia
Read 4 tweets
Jul 23rd 2019
At same period the UK Authorities, banks & state owned companies all converged with their plans to take our home, our car & our money, my mother's #DWP welfare benefit was also targeted on several occasions, the worst being what happened at #Adecco #Guardian #TheTimes #GMB
My mother was seeking #employment & arranged an appointment with #OfficeAngels who she was already registered with & had worked for, for years. However, the time & date of the appointment was at a similar time to that of her sign on with the #DWP. #Jobseekersallowance #Jobseekers
Read 21 tweets
Nov 15th 2018
This all started because the #MetPolice & #LBRUT couldn't do their day jobs properly & decided to take the law into their own hands. It started as a small cover up 12 years ago but has turned into British State Persecution.

#Skynews #BBCNews #DailyMail #Guardian #Euronews
My company was raided. It should have been a straightforward matter. But the #MetPolice & #LBRUT forgot to seize my computer & came back to do a 2nd raid. The search warrant didn't permit a second entry, however, #LBRUT entered unlawfully

#Guardian #Telegraph #DailyMail #GMB #UK
Complaints were then made to my MP #VinceCable. He liaised with the #Metpolice & #LBRUT. And then weeks later, the search warrant was completely changed & was passed off as the search warrant executed on the day of the raids.

#DailyPolitics #Libdems #Conservatives #labour #bbcdp
Read 147 tweets
Aug 3rd 2018
It's a criminal offence to falsifying a legal instrument. But if the #MetPolice / #LBRUT do it, then there is not even an investigation. 12 years of silence. Evidence to prove it -

#skynews #lbc #theresamay #uk #bbcnews #coverup #c4news #worldnews #ukgov
Welcome to the #Metpolice who also changed & falsified my arrest details. Have a look at the evidence here as it's all easy to prove & that's why it's never addressed

#R4today #corruption #coverup #leadership #values #corevalues #bbcnews #skynews #itvnews
Read 97 tweets
Jun 2nd 2018
@neighbour_s @4corners @FergusonNews @abcnews @KeriPhillips3 @PhillipAdams_1 @GeraldineDoogue @RNBreakfast @zdaniel @LisaMillar #4corners #abcnews #TheDrum #qanda #mediawatch #Russia #RNBreakfast
Will #4corners present James Clapper as credible? He supported bogus intelligence that led to Iraq war.
Is trusting Clapper a lazy way of showing contempt for Trump?…
@neighbour_s @4corners @FergusonNews @abcnews @KeriPhillips3 @PhillipAdams_1 @GeraldineDoogue @RNBreakfast @zdaniel @LisaMillar #4corners #Russia
'Mainstream liberals who despise Trump and yearn to drive him from office hold up Clapper as a man of unquestioned authority, integrity and patriotism — but no such qualities are available these days.'…
Read 18 tweets

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