How do move not right or left, but forward?
But modern capitalist powers (whether states, businesses, or banks) are built on a fundamental rejection of the Common Good.
The medieval vision of integral unity cannot be accomplished if we do not escape modernity.
Some technologies which do not serve human ends (stock trading AI, for example) will be elimated.
But the end of capitalism allows for the rise of more technologies which actually serve humanity:
Otherwise it will be co-opted to serve state capitalism.
The trick of fascism against religious workers has hurt our cause many times.
Rather, it must come from the universal “catholicity” of the One True Church.
As we learn from the Church and from history, this liberal “freedom” is a lie and an empty abstraction.
These ideas reject the Kingship of Our Lord, ending in atheism.
And in the vacuum of just power, a dictator will inevitably arise (as we see in many Communist experiments).
We should reject the dead dream of restorationism. This reactionary nostalgia should be prudently abandoned.
Monarchy, on the other hand, should not.
Leftists fantasize about the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat.’
But perhaps we should begin to envisage the ‘monarchy of the workers.’
So if you’re interested in being involved, be in touch: