Option 1: Renovation of 3 stories and a basement; 75,000 total square feet, including a 3,000-square-foot "customer hub" and cafe, plus 2,200 sq ft of "shared space"
Cost: $48 million
Capacity: 260-275 full-time employees
Cost: $57 million ($9M extra; 18,000 additional sq ft)
Capacity: 260-300 FTE
Crane: At the end of the day, we're saying we can accommodate base 260 staff; everything above that is a question of amenities v. staff
In 50 years, Pavilion renovation will be $100M cheaper.
Crane: We're counting on 3% increases every year; based on our costs at Center Green.
Crane: Yes
Crane: Thinking on 2022 is it's probably a realistic timeline for what it would take to design and go through our planning process, to actually get building permits.
Crane: In 5 years.
$2M is the answer to the last one
Crane: We see opportunities out east with development and transit. This won't be the only consolidated hubs.
(It's in the next part of the presentation, so we'll wait for an answer on that one.)
Crane: Coming back in April to "put a sharper pencil to that" and a more clear estimate, once financial plan is done.
Crane: We're doing the financial analysis now. (That's one of the qs before council tonight is whether or not to explore it.)
Brautigam: No. We really need to do this. It's going to compete with some of other things council wants to do. But this is an important one bc we've got 2 bldgs that have to come down in 5 yrs.
Morzel, Weaver echo that.
Would "much rather have something more definitive" than meeting spaces, community space.
Jim Robertson: I was involved in vision planning. City conducted a series of meetings in fall 2016 to get a sense of how the history of this place fit into the community.
That was for the vision plan. What's happening now is the Area Plan.
Yes is the answer.
Much grumbling from the audience as staff goes over its engagement work.
We're "looking particularly at our north Broadway site; those buildings are at the end of their life."
James Butler, BoCo building services: The old county hospital is historic. We need 120K sq ft of office-like space to accommodate health and human services.
Butler: 120K is similar to Longmont hub. Two-thirds of it are public facing
Young: So roughly 80K?
Butler: Yep
Butler: It's easier for us to build a new building while we still have stuff in other buildings. It's easier to allow Broadway site to stay as-is for 5-7 yrs
Staff is looking at 500-yr options as well.
Alpine Balsam is not high hazard, though some is designated as conveyance (aka floodway)
Flood area at Alpine Balsam is "considerably different" than Boulder Creek. So a 100-yr or 500-yr flood there looks very different.
Carlisle: I'm just pointing out the irony.
It's being looked at, says Kalani Pahoa, Urban Designer, Planning Department
No, staff says, it's not currently in the area plan.
More sounds of disbelief from the audience. These people are *really* concerned.
Support for housing in a range of ways in the west and central parts of the site. Some supported density and types, others looking for something lower (Nagle, Carlisle)