Chicago police told ABC News "Police are investigating whether the two individuals committed the attack - or whether the attack happened at all."
Either way the white MAGA narrative is wrong and needs to be corrected by everyone who spread it.
"They know Jussie. They worked with him on Empire. My preliminary investigations show that on set it's very tight. They're all very cordial with each other, so they're baffled why they’re POI’s."
Irresponsible & divorced from reality.
If it had been two white MAGA guys, it would NOT have meant all MAGA folks are racist and it being allegedly two black men does NOT mean all black men are to blame for it.
Hold individuals accountable, identity politics are toxic.

Only thing for sure is it appears the narrative of a white MAGA attack spread initially by TMZ (who claim Jussie as source) is WRONG.

52,000 likes on this lie.

In a city where murder and gang activity runs rampant, the damage he did is immense.
• National media is biased against Republicans, they WANT stories like this to be true
• Celebrity worship is unhealthy
• Trump Derangement Syndrome is real
• Identity politics perpetuated by the left is the most destructive force against unity
We must act in opposition of his intention to divide us.

Jussie’s hoax may mean murderers literally got away with murder. He deserves a maximum sentence.
This is why we have Fake News.

Sounds like Jussie did it like Edward Norton in Fight Club & beat himself up. What an embarrassment.