Also, I'm not a child psychologist or even a parent myself, however I don't think you have to be either of those to draw an opinion on the content of this book.
Okay, so, he's coming in right away with, 'Truths'. He's presenting this book as, 'God's Technique'
From now on, I'm picturing a smug grin on the writer.
Joke quoted below:
THIS. This smug attitude on grown up Christians who hit their kids is something that has ALWAYS sat wrong with me. You're cracking jokes?

We get it, #MichaelPearl, you don't like kids.
Stepford Children?
This mother has trained up children who bring her joy and honor."
I think it's fair to say, no childhood psychologists or experts will be consulted in this book, rather the kids will be treated like animals.
Immediately, children are given no agency and are reduced to 'things' without personality, character or the space to have anything other than nuerotypical traits.
It doesn't take much digging to show that, No, this verse either means something other than switch your children into absolute obedience or
A. we've not departed from it, in which case, okay, listen to us and acknowledge our choices,
B. We weren't trained,
C. The verse ain't true
Which will evangelicals/Christian extremists pick?
Also, if this was the expectation that this book and similar teaching gave to my dad, no WONDER he was constantly frustrated by the lack of RESULTS.
This is NORMAL in a well trained family? That you command them like a platoon?
I saw one of my brothers caned again, and again, and again for only saying, 'Yes' and not 'Sir.' Ahh, and then some more for not stopping crying right away.
A. Place an enticing object where they can reach it
B. Say, No don't touch it
C. When they dive for it, "switch their hand once and say, No."
D. It may take several times
My parents didn't set up tricks like this one, but they had obviously been taught that caning your child before they can talk is not just okay, it's Godly.
Well, now, that just didn't happen did it. 🤨
I don't even.....booty camp...can we not.
If you didn't want kids in your home, why'd you breed em, Michael?
I'm sorry, is this a child or some kind of monster? Ahhh, yes, I forget that to Christian Extremists, children are full of evil, greed, anger, lust, pride, sin.
"It was both to make you believe the Devil started out as an infant. I'm just thankful that one-year-old u weigh two-hundred pounds, or a lot more beers weighs be victims of homicide."
We get it, you hate kids.
And I'm confused.
Here's the Pearl's entering chapter 2, 3 and 4
As if everything is a temporary testing ground only designed to build character for the world to come. Not a fan.
NOT AN EXCUSE mind you
Is this the same book? #totrainupachild
Okay bye 👋
#ExposeChristianDiscipline #totrainupachild #eXvangelical
Discipline and Diapers
I want to scream.
@ToriGlass @charlotteirene8 @NateSparks130 @C_Stroop @XianJaneway