"Republicans are useless"
"Republicans can't even defend their President on something so patently obvious"
"Republicans are idiots & they demonstrate it every day"
Direct hit from Q @ the uniparty. #QAnon
"Because Republicans are afraid of themselves, afraid to fight & the reason Donald Trump is president is because Republicans are bad at governing & bad at politics"
"they cannot even articulate a message when they had both the house & the senate" #QAnon
"Demonstrates how pathetic Republicans in the House and the Senate are"
"the President is basically acting alone, he has no support from the Republicans in congress"
"you don't go out and subvert his authority by whining about what another President might do" #QAnon
"By subverting the President's position, the Republican Senators are guaranteeing that the Democrats will retake the senate" #QAnon
Being asked to lose? Like Gillespie lost to Northam in Virginia?
You have the illusion that you are choosing candidates. This is evidence you don't. #QAnon
We literally have 1 guy fighting for us...
The secret weapon is us, and a few good people at DOJ, FBI, NSA, and yes, even (barf) C_A to sort this out.
Q team has the big guns, our job is to help destroy the fake news media. HOLD THE LINE. #QAnon