-Pakistan having won the day, or having undone India's unprecedented actions of yesterday
-hailing Imran as the statesman
Let me tell you the truth:
India Jets not only foiled Pak Jets, chased them away engaged in dog fight over Pak's airspace and downed one F-16.
You tell me who lost the day?
We are proud of Wg Cdr Abhinandan
No comparison at all
India smashed that red line yesterday. Pak's meek conventional action today confirmed that Pak's Nuclear bluff has been called.
Till then he is Terrorist in chief, with blood of the 44 CRPF soldiers on his hand.
1) India air defence was not caught napping today, as Pakistan's was yesterday
2) India's pilot did not shy away from engaging Pak Jets, unlike yesterday when Pak Jets scrambled and returned instead of confronting India's Mirajes
-IAF Jets penetrated deep into Pak airspace for an airstrike; a first against any Nuclear Power in world and redraws Indo-Pak red lines raising the cost of its war on India
-Returned unchallenged
-Killed 350-600 Terrorists
-Pak Jets intercepted by Indian air defence at LoC
-Attack foiled; no damage on Indian side
-Vintage MIGs downned famed F-16
-Our Pilot went down fighting, but will be home
We are winning. Dont succumb to ISI proaganda beamed by our Media
Hindi Headlines reflect the truth, while English headlines are peddling ISI psyops. pic via @sdhull