In 2007, there were 0.78 residency positions for every applicant (1.44 per U.S. graduate).
In 2018, there were 0.81 positions/applicant (1.61 for every U.S. graduate).
A total rockstar who applies to a not-so-competitive program may not be offered an interview.
From the program’s standpoint: “She’s not gonna come here - why waste our time?”
From the student’s: “This process is so random! I need to apply to more programs!”
Repeat this process iteratively over a decade and you get a graph like the one above.…
So let’s do the math for an “average” U.S. student applying to 60 programs:
Where does all that money go? To the AAMC, sponsor of ERAS.
AAMC President Darrell Kirch received reportable compensation of $1,986,987 in 2016.
If we want a solution, we’re gonna have to do it ourselves.