I am sure most of my Twitterians are home, but if you are still on the road, have fun enjoy this for the road.

#thestory_teller #TrafficChief
Hah, not every source. Tortoise perked up for he had noticed that Bird still had flesh on her skin beneath her feathers.?
and yet leaves leftovers.
At this, iyan, eba and various soups, meats and fruits appeared. Tortoise immediately began to attack the food, but no matter how much he ate or how fast he ate, he could not finish all the food.
When he got home, he called his entire family together and brought out the igbako. Igbako, what is your duty? Tortoise asked, and the igbako replied,
Tortoise posed on stage in front of all the animals while he asked the igbako ?Igbako, what is your duty??. The igbako replied as usual,
Oh no, it was just me and my family. I have no idea how it broke but please give me a new one lest my family starve to death, Tortoise pleaded.
I make tiny lumps of iyan,
I make tiny lumps of eba,
such that the whole world eats
but is never full.
Miniature pieces of food appeared, perhaps better suited for an ant.
I make tiny lumps of iyan,
I make tiny lumps of eba,
such that the whole world eats
but is never full.
When all the animals were gathered, anticipating a huge feast, Tortoise brought out his tiny igbako and said, ?Igbako, what is your duty??. The igbako replied,
He cried out to her Help me, my family starves, igbako is broken again. Please give me another one.
Rod, what is your duty?? asked Tortoise to which the rod replied,
I whip the disobedient
I whip the greedy
Till their skin is white with pain.
I shared my big igbako, I shared my small igbako, I shall not keep this rod for myself, Tortoise said to himself and he picked the rod and his borrowed feathers and flew back home.
I whip the disobedient
I whip the greedy
Till their skin is white with pain.
Rod, what is your duty, Tortoise asked. Again the rod replied,
I whip the greedy
Till their skin is white with pain.
Every animal present received a whipping as they fled back into the forest.
Thanks for reading