6 years ago, 20 tweets, 5 min read Read on Twitter
Venus entered Aquarius today! I've got some thoughts on #venusinaquarius that I'm thinking with. I'm not sure this'll be a megathread (I've been sick so I'm kind of tapped out) but I'm going to start writing and see where it goes. #astrology #thread #venus #aquarius
By the way, skip a few tweets down if you want to get to the point.
I want to start with my wordplay joke from yesterday. If you recall, I said Venus in Aquarius was a s c e t i c, which is a vaporwave joke as much as it is a wordplay joke.
Fans of vaporwave (ur boi NRC included) know that part of what makes vaporwave great is finding beauty in the basic, the banal, the old and weird.
Remember that Aquarius' natural significations, being ruled by Saturn, involve thresholds and marginalized people, folks and things who the world is ready to overlook. The weird and wonderful.
But while the world passes Windows 95 and K-mart muzak tapes by, vaporwave fans have found a source of really weird beauty in the middle of things that have been condemned to languish in ignominy.
(You can probably tell I'm an #aquarius rising because I'm using vaporwave of all things to talk about Venus in Aquarius.)
Vaporwave is a polarizing a e s t h e t i c; you either love it or you hate it. I don't know anyone who is really "ehh" when it comes to it.
And Venus in Aquarius is like this: being in a fixed air sign, she binds well with people who have clear understanding of what their tastes are. You either love Venus in Aquarius or you don't. Or rather, she either loves you or she doesn't.
But it's not about passions running hot or cold. Venus' decisions in Aquarius are all in her head, and she knows what "works" based on theory.
If Venus in Leo loves effusively, Venus in Aquarius loves based on staid, rational decision-making; she loves based on your commitment to the intellectual schemata that you hold in common with her.
Which brings me back to vaporwave: the whole a e s t h e t i c is a conscious choice to subvert the norms of pop aesthetics and turn them into something that imports different influences from time and space into a calculated inversion of trends.
Everything vaporwave values is a conscious choice, and its power as an aesthetic is in its ability to make harmonized statements out of that which is gauche, garish, old, hacky, and extra. It's a descendant of Dadaism in that sense.
"Nate is this an astrology thread or an art criticism thread"
Honestly it could be either at this point, sorry
Venus in Aquarius gets panned as being "aloof" but the reality is that she can love as powerfully as she loves in any of the other signs, but it's based on different critera. That's the takeaway here.
While #Venus is transiting #Aquarius over the next month, this is a really great opportunity for you and your loved ones to review your shared values. What is important to you in your partnership? What are your matters of ultimate concern?
And a big one: how do you as a couple, as a unit, relate to other individuals and communities outside your relational center of gravity?
If you & your boo are in in need of a define-the-relationship conversation (for good or for ill!) now's the time to do it when love is in your head. Don't let your relationships just e x i s t right now. Know where it is, where you are, where you're going.
After all, to love someone is not an emotion at all. You're thinking of limerence (Google it). Love is a choice. And Venus in Aquarius knows how to make choices with her head fully in the game.
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