6 years ago, 7 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
One month ago, I got the call we all dread the most. My 17yr old brother had just had a stroke in school. No previous medical conditions, no trauma to the head and no use of recreational drugs. Just a spontaneous intracerebral bleed.
Confused and scared AF, all I could think about was getting to him in time. I mean it’s the brain we’re talking about here. Like we say in medicine, Brain is Time. Got the last flight out of Abuja that evening and finally got to him in school the following day.
Over the next few days after that, I had to make decisions i wouldn’t ask of my worst enemy. I mean you’re the doctor right, so everyone automatically expected you to understand the situation and make the right calls.
Decision whether or not he should have an emergency brain surgery. Finally decided I wanted the surgery. All I had to back my decision was my gut feeling or call it instinct, the medical opinions of a few neurosurgeons I had consulted and God almighty.
Everyone was calling and looking up to me for answers or instructions on what should be done. Meanwhile I was barely hanging on. My little brother’s life was in the balance and I couldn’t be certain I just made the right call. Prayed more than I’ve ever done in my entire life.
1 month later, he can now walk on his own without any support. Still can’t move his left hand but I know I have to be patient too with my expectations. I mean 1 month ago, he was completely paralyzed on his left side and I had to carry him to do everything.
So yea I’m in my feelings today and deeply grateful to God for everything. Grateful for life, grateful for my little brother, grateful for family and friends. Waited many years for this little man and there’s absolutely nothing I won’t do for him ❤️
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