I’m glad you all have missed it. If you want to be tagged or Untagged let me know. I’m starting back up w/ a bang or a pop depending on temperature and going right for it...
On Human Decomposition: 1/
Feel free to tag anyone you want to be in on this. I’ll try to do it a few times a week. Trigger earning here. Decomp= gross 2/
By that you probably guessed that there are 5 Stages of Human Decomposition. I will explain each. 3/
Each stage of decomp can vary on length of time depending on temperature and humidity. Basically the warmer and wetter it is the 5/
Without further ado...
Fresh Stage 1-2 days PMI (Postmortem Interval)
This stage hosts all those cool words they like to use in crime dramas. lol
The early indicators of PMI all happen here. First is algor mortis, body temperature reduction (won’t happen 6/
You will 7/
Bloat: (2-6 days PMI)
Fairly 8/
Active Decay: (5-11 days PMI)
This is the stage most people think of when thinking about human decomp. The pressure of the gassed have caused the skin to split and fluids are leaking. The skin is intact 11/
Insects are present in large numbers in all enstars. Trust me there’s a lot more than maggots. Animal predation will be high and more than just bugs. Eyes will12/
Advanced Decay or Post Decay: (10-24 days PMI)
Most of the flesh is gone but a strong cheese smell remains. The remaining skin is beginning to dry. There can still be a lot of skin at this point. Most of the14/
Dry / Skeletal Stage (24+ days PMI)
The final stage. Only a skeleton with minimal dried tissues and skin remains. Animal predation and insect activity are light. There are almost no smells. Best description is musty 16/
And with that you have the science of Human Decomposition. I hope it was educational #WritingCommnunity. Feel free to ask questions. Have fun plotting your fictional murders #FellowWriters until next time. /Fin