Let's talk about how they are related.
"If there were a button I could press, I would sacrifice myself without hesitating, if it meant millions of people would die."
- Pentti Linkola, Finnish 'deep ecologist'
CW: climate, violence
The ECOSOCIALIST response,
the ECOMODERNIST response,
and the ECOFASCIST response.
These do NOT map 1:1 with the traditional political spectrum.
Let's address each one of these in turn.
However, you also see it from leftists; there is a strong productivist tendency in some strains of socialist thought (e.g. the idea of fully automated luxury communism, for instance)
Both call for a transition to a new ecological political economy.
The difference between them is Rosa Luxemburg's choice: socialism or barbarism.
It is humanistic and universally inclusive, and consistent with all major world religions and secular ethical frameworks.
Of course, there is another choice...
You can find a copy here free online if you're too broke to buy it: archive.org/stream/Ecofasc…

This misanthropy-as-environmentalism blurs into anti-civ, primitivism, etc and results in viewpoints like advocacy for voluntary human extinction
To understand that, we must see how Linkola's ideas, and those like them, have filtered through to the right-wing radicalization pipeline of the chans & social media generally
The Christchurch shooter was radicalized on 8chan.
Their climate change adaptation and mitigation program is mass murder.
From a world of 7 billion people of all religions and races, down to a half-billion whites.
They will start with lone wolf shootings and go from there.
Antifascism is self-defense.
We will keep us safe.
Any ideology with an ecosocialist climate response (demsoc, libsoc, left anarchism, communalism) can do this.
The ongoing wave of youth climate activism has filled my heart with hope.
Today over 1 million students went on strike for the climate.
We have to uphold a fierce urgency in this struggle. The time has come for ALL OF US to acknowledge the existential crisis in which we find ourselves, and to stand up and be counted
We can seek a WORLDWIDE MASS MOVEMENT for system change. A global network of organizations to BUILD POPULAR POWER: unions, assemblies, cooperatives, commons, self-defense groups.
Or we can let ecomodernists and ecofascists compete over who gets to kill us.