/14 #hoi4
It appears this was a step too pinko for the old Confederate states and they declared independence.. /15 #hoi4

Summer of '78 must have looked peachy for your average Panzer officier in the Axis army. All other enemies defeated all that remained was the African People's Union. The advance of the APU north had been halted in '77 & now axis troops.. #hoi4
Or perhaps it was when the APU's greatest tank commander, Field Marshal Hendick Cilliers, suddenly appeared with new shiney modern armour tanks.. #hoi4

United States erupts in a Communist coup against the Vichy Confederate Government installed by Axis. Nobody knows where they got the guns from..
President Kotane has been seen wandering around Cape Town whistling innocently. #hoi4

Japan erupts in a Communist coup against the facist state. Nobody knows where they got the guns or the little red books from.
President Kotane has been seen wandering around Cape Town pissing himself laughing. #hoi4

This period of APU history has come to be known as, Seven Years of Hell. Sadly, the communist revolutions in the US and Japan didn't last long, each fledgling revolution was crushed by the Axis within months.. #hoi4

In steps yer man Hendrick Cilliers.. Cillier’s tank division rolled in and cracked the Axis lines. The African People's Union liberated our first territory since the 7 years of hell began. #hoi4

When I say nothing happened, I mean relative to the previous 7 years, the naval invasions continued unabated & the politburo were unwilling to disturb the new stability at the front by launching new liberation efforts.. #hoi4

Here's the state of play, Jan 1993

Army High Command decided one tank group & one of the new fast moving mechanised infantry army groups recently developed should be enough for the task, backed of course by the front line infantry divisions in the region. #hoi4

With the final elements of the Axis forces in Kenya surrendered, Army Group 10 liberates Nairobi. This front line infantry units work doesn't end here. After the liberation they're ordered North, to bolster the new front lines. #hoi4

Way back in 1936 a nascent fascist Italy conquered our African comrades in Ethiopia & while our recent success in Kenya had depleted Axis troops on the Eastern Front, our fuel stocks had equally taken a pounding in the campaign.. but one can hope #hoi4

With the work of the army complete, the bearucracy now takes over, 3 years of building/repairing & troop deployment ensue. We manage to get enough troops to defend the Eastern coast before Axis naval invasions bombard Somalia in earnest. The liberation is secured #hoi4

Arguments were brewing at APU army high command when Field Marshall Cilliers submitted his latest plan for the war against Axis. At face value it made sense but with the recent Eastern liberation our logistics & supply was spread thin. #hoi4

If the house stood then high command took the Presidents statement to mean we'd fall back. #hoi4

High command declared the invasion, "a perfectly executed example of the two doctrine" approach.. #hoi4

The Politburo has much back breaking labour ahead of it now to get everything under control & safe from counter attack. The north is particularly worrying, we're under constant bombing & invasion. We're close to Suez & it's gonna get rough #hoi4

Soviet Yemen, gives me an option of trading for Oil as we're right next to each other now. But.. one of the worse things about living in an alternate war torn dystopian reality is all those classic movies never made.. #hoi4

While the Politburo scamper around fighting a logistics war, a situation is developing on the new northern front. We have little reserves in the north as most of our troops were redeployed for the liberation of Nigeria. #hoi4

We scale back fuel use elsewhere (Hallifax) to restock #hoi4

"Nigeria", the President said, "its a giant domino, you need to push it over slowly then the whole west will fall before the year is out". The Army staff nodded in agreement, he was the president after all and he'd got us this far.. #hoi4

Our infantry gains ground through south Nigeria while in the north fast moving tanks outmanouever the slower Axis troops. The liberation goes well. #hoi4

Here's the state of play, January 2003. The northern fringe of Africa remains under Axis rule but the liberation rolls ever onwards.. #hoi4

.. but first we liberate a poorly defended Western Sahara from Axis. It's a relatively lightning campaign, all modern armour tanks against poorly supplied forces. #hoi4

The President looked up from the casualty reports, "We appear to be missing a report from the Northern Front?"
"There isn't one sir", replied the aide.
"What? Cilliers was there! Were our armies overrun?" asked President Kotane.

"No casualties? Egypt was a quagmire.. how?", asked the President.
"Well sir.. reports are garbled due to communications problems but.. well.. it seems the Field Marshall reorganised the infantry.."

into a super giant tank & rigged it to drive around looking threatening. Axis troops spent hours firing at it, didn't cause a dent, eventually they got bored, went home & no one has seen them since.." #hoi4

President Kotane shook his head ruefully, "Giant tanks" he said, "the mans a genius.." #hoi4

Now that we have aluminium its time to put our airforce into more dangerous territory. Right now Axis are sitting in a level 10 fort occupying Guinea. Its tying down a number of divisions, so we need to liberate it & that fort needs dealt with first. #hoi4

It seems the "Politburo" lost the dossier and forgot but the arms shipments continued.. Red Spangled Banner 2 #hoi4

Yep seriously.. Albuquerque, I'm golfclapping here Axis, utterly golfclapping.. you've pretty much ensured Breaking Bad will never exist in this world now.. you absolute fascist units. #hoi4

The US revolution is defeated, we invited the US to join our faction this time (thanks to Denmark etc no longer being members), so after defeat in the continental US, their ships and airforce flee to Africa to join us in the struggle. Welcome comrades! #hoi4

So while we were liberating Guinea, staging a coup in the US and making the northern front safe from casualties, the Politburo were securing Western Africa from Axis coastal assaults. By 2008 we had reched a reasonable position.. #hoi4

State of play Jan 2009.

With Morocco liberated we're training more troops to properly defend it, we're also training more in anticipation of further liberation efforts. Recruitment pool is now only 98K which is very low, either we wait it out or we take a hit & change laws #hoi4

Wierd thing.. China bugged out in the same way they bugged in. Somehow they signed a peace treaty with Axis who annexed them & then disappeared
Also, APU apologises for taking it easy on Axis this update, we wanted to rest & watch numbers go up :) #hoi4

The next chapter is obviously going to be called some variation of Libyaration pending Politburo approval.
We lost the air war here, Axis have around 3k fighters, we retired our bombers from the region & our fighers are on interception only #hoi4

Axis redeployment in Egypt scuppered our advance, the front was scary for a while there, we almost lost a few battles which could have turned nasty.. getting air superiority over Libya was the deciding factor.
Egypt is going to be tough.. #hoi4

Took a breather from offensive action this time to bolster reserves, get our new tank divisions ready & further fortify the north coast against invasion.
Here's a last look at the Egyptian front, it's going to change soon, Cilliers has a plan.. #hoi4