It is mentioned -
" Amritsar has more in common with a Lahori than with a Bangalorean
Don't get bogged down with religion; Punjabi culture is a unifier"
To quash this argument, let's look at.a simple statistic pertaining to food habits - which is an important cultural marker
% of Vegatarians in Amritsar
% of Vegetarians in Lahore
Now for two cities separated by such a short distance, you'd probably expect food habits to be similar
Vegetarian rate in Amritsar - close to 70% if not higher (going by Punjab state estimates from surveys)
Vegatarian % in Lahore : Maybe 5% of lower.
But since food is so v integral to culture and co-habitation, I just picked it as an example to show the cultural chasm between the two cities that are barely 30 mins drive away!
30 minutes! Yet diametrically opposite food habits
I doubt if a similar contrast exists elsewhere. Would be curious to hear rebuttals