Its interesting to see the connection between Water and all 17 SDGs
#WorldWaterDayNG #LeaveNoOneBehind

Access to water at homes reduces the time spent by most people walking long distances in search of water. Time spent in search of water can be spent going to school early and engaging in other productive ventures that can break poverty cycles in homes.
How do you grow food without water? To ensure zero hunger, water for irrigation is key! How about Sea food? Maybe we'll reconsider this when we have fish & other aquatic lives thriving on land, but until then... Water is needed to support aquatic lives.
1). Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Typhoid, Malaria, Cholera, and even the dreaded and alienated diseases such as lassa fever, monkey pox and ebola are all water-related diseases.
#Health #HealthandWater #LeaveNoOneBehind
Children miss school days when they walk miles searching for water instead of joining their peers in school. For such children, there's nothing like quality education.
#LeaveNoOneBehind #worldwaterday2019
1. Women and Children bear the responsibility of collecting water in most homes. Females are responsible for water collection in 80% of homes with water off-premises (end water poverty).
Harnessing the potentials of Hydro electricity is key to achieving an affordable and clean energy. Sustainable Dam Management is a prerequisite to harnessing the huge potentials of hydropower.
I. According to @ilo, decent work ‘involves opportunities for work that is productive and delivers a fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for families, better prospects for personal development,