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The Public Protection and General Government #nybudget bill was amended. Does this mean the finish line is in sight?
Now let's scroll through the updated #nybudget text...
As expected, the PPGG #nybudget bill includes language "Protecting the Personal Privacy of Union Members." This is in response to the #Janus decision.
The PPGG #nybudget bill includes the permanent extension of the property tax cap. We still need to see the language to understand what caveats might be attached.
New to the PPGG #nybudget bill is language that "creates a gun violence research institute," according to the summary that is available now.
The Public Protection and General Government bill text is available! Behold: legislation.nysenate.gov/pdf/bills/2019…
As we reported last night, the #nybudget strikes out the governor's proposed cut to AIM.
BACKGROUND: blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archiv…
The state is extending the "service-disabled veteran-owned business enterprises" program for another five years.
Turn to subpart K in your PPGG #nybudget bill for language restricting access to mugshots, which @RachelSilby reported on today.
#nybudget includes language addressing the rape shield law.
Unless it's being saved for a "Big Ugly" the #nybudget language strengthening penalties for attacking the media is dead!
Background: timesunion.com/news/article/C…
Gov. Andrew Cuomo's #nybudget language eliminating the death penalty was struck out of the PPGG bill.
While "pre-trial justice reform act" isn't in the public protection and general government #nybudget bill, it will likely show up in the inevitable #BigUgly text that arrives last. This will happen with controversial issues.
The #nybudget raises the criminal history search fee from $65 to $95. The governor initially proposed bumping it up to $90. The increase of the biennial registration fee for attorneys appears to be gone.

Background: timesunion.com/news/article/B…
The #nybudget includes language addressing "Comprehensive Reentry Package to Improve Outcomes for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals." Not sure what the details are (because I don't want to read them).
Crimes subject to "shock incarceration" is amended in the #nybudget.
#nybudget includes Cuomo's proposal to change maximum sentence for misdemeanors from one year to 364 days to protect immigrant from deportation.
Background: timesunion.com/news/article/N…
The #nybudget includes language overhauling the state's asset forfeiture process.
NEW TONIGHT: Legislature gives Gov. Andrew Cuomo the authority to close two prisons in New York. He had originally sought permission to close up to three. blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archiv…
The #nybudget strikes out language setting the noon start time for primaries in the Capital Region. Is everyone ready to vote in the morning??!?!?!
The "ELECTRONIC PERSONAL VOTER REGISTRATION PROCESS" language is in the Public Protection and General Government #nybudget bill.
New Yorkers will soon be able to register to vote online (once the Legislature rubber stamps the #nybudget deal). blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archiv…
The @EmpireJustice Center is pumped about #nybudget language making permanent the law authorizing notices people receive when they are behind on their mortgage payments. The notices include referrals to housing counseling agencies that can help.
And now we wait for at least seven more #nybudget bills to be printed. Hard to believe they all get done before midnight (but that's what messages of necessity are for).
Speak of the devil! The state transportation, economic development and environmental conservation #nybudget bill was amended! No text available yet
The TED #nybudget text is available. nyassembly.gov/leg/?default_f…
The "Bottle Bill" expansion was "intentionally omitted" from the TED #nybudget bill, but it could live on (probably not) in a #BigUgly.
BACKGROUND: timesunion.com/news/article/A…
We have "Bag Waste Reduction" text to read in the #nybudget. As I read, hopefully @julietighe17 and @LizAGMoran will prepare comments...
Long list of bags exempted from the #nybudgets ban on single-use plastic bags. Your deli meat, garment, carryout food and newspaper bags are exempt (so it looks like we can still pick up dog poop)!
The #nybudget includes a five cent fee on paper bags that counties can choose to impose. It could take effect on or after March 2020.
A fee on paper bags won't apply to New Yorkers on food stamps or WIC.
Municipalities that impose a fee on paper bags will get to keep 40 percent of the revenue and the "remaining amount" goes to the Environmental Protection Fund.
The #nybudget includes language allowing the state to license and regulate student loan servicers.
BACKGROUND by @RickKarlinTU: timesunion.com/news/article/W…
We're getting two more years of autonomous vehicle testing in New York. Pretty soon the governor won't even have to drive himself to bridge openings!
Language "authorizing local governments to allow certain scooters and motorized bicycles" didn't make it into the TED #nybudget bill.
The governor's language addressing Limousine, Bus, and Livery Safety was intentionally omitted from the TED #nybudget bill.
BACKGROUND: timesunion.com/business/artic…
Gov. Cuomo's language advancing the “Climate Leadership Act” was intentionally omitted from the #nybudget.
BACKGROUND (podcast) with @pmiwanowicz: blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archiv…
Congestion tolling program was kicked out of TED #nybudget bill and will almost certainly appear in a Big Ugly. #CongestionPricing
The plastic bag ban included in the #nybudget doesn't seem to have made anyone too happy. blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archiv…
The ELFA #nybudget bill includes a tweak to the #DREAMAct language approved by the legislature in January. It strikes the "lawful non-immigrant alien" and replaces it with more specific circumstances.
BACKGROUND: timesunion.com/news/article/E…
Waiting to see if Albany will get funding from another #nybudget bill too, but the ELFA bill only provides $5 million in "municipal relief" for the capital city. City officials are hoping for $12.5 million.
Where is the rest of the #nybudget? Waiting on at least six bills.
Goodnight bill drafting. I’ll hang it up for now, but looking forward to waking up to more #nybudget bills.
It appears the Assembly Democrats were (are?) in conference all night long discussing the #nybudget.
The Assembly’s tentative plan this morning is to gavel into session and then go back to conferencing #nybudget.
"I am still optimistic," says Assemblywoman @PatriciaFahy109. "It is my top priority." For what it's worth, Albany officials are also banking on rest of $ being in another #nybudget bill.
The database of deals is in limbo after language advanced by Legislature was dropped from the TED #nybudget bill. It could theoretically live on in appropriation bill (as proposed by Cuomo), but it would likely be light on details.
One Assembly Democrat's conspiracy theory is that the $500k tied to creating the database wouldn't be released until a chapter amendment is approved with specific language, but the governor's plan would be to prevent a deal and the money never gets released.
Person smarter than me points out that #nybudget bills printed today could be voted on anytime after 12:01 a.m. on Monday, which is essentially the same as acting late Sunday night. So does that make tonight the real deadline to finish printing bills?
Funding for a database of deals appears destined for the final #nybudget, but the language is expected to be slim on details. blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archiv…
Democratic lawmakers have left the Capitol for the day. The #NYSenate is scheduled to be back at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday for conference, with Assembly Dems back at 7 p.m. for conference. Both shooting for session on Sunday at 9 a.m. (ish).
With #SpecialOlympics funding being jerked around at the federal level, advocates in New York are holding out hope that a $200,000 funding request for the Unified Champion Schools program makes it into the #nybudget due Sunday.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo is giving “a quick update” on the #nybudget, which is due Sunday.
The governor says the final spending numbers “are very close to the proposed #nybudget.” Notes that education aid will be about $50 million higher than he planned.
The final text for the Health and Mental Hygiene #nybudget bill is available. legislation.nysenate.gov/pdf/bills/2019…
The #nybudget includes language "lowering the blood lead level that constitutes an elevated lead level from ten to five micrograms per deciliter."
BACKGROUND by @bethanybump: timesunion.com/news/article/N…
Advocates for workers in the human services fields say the #nybudget came up short for them. It doesn't include a cost of living adjustment. It authorizes 2% raises for low-paid direct care workers in January, and 2% bump for the rest of direct care workers in April 2020.
As the governor alluded to a briefing, the #nybudget text requires large group insurance policy to provide coverage for in vitro fertilization. The proposal is not as expansive as what's been pushed by legislators.
There is a "conceptual agreement" on ending cash bail for New Yorkers accused of non-violent felonies and misdemeanors. timesunion.com/news/article/B…
Cuomo reports that all the major #nybudget issues are resolved except for #FairElections
It appears the governor isn’t backin down from threat about public financing of elections.
Cuomo and legislative leaders announce #nybudget deal, which includes interesting language about the use of new internet sales tax revenue.
Narrative of the deal struck on limo regulations in the #nybudget.
The governor is taking a victory lap on an issue from past budgets too.
It was a long night for Assembly Democrats behind closed doors, and they’re still planning on returning to Albany for voting on #nybudget bills at 9 a.m. on Sunday/today.
What are the odds the “Big Ugly” #nybudget bill will get more than 80 votes in the Assembly? More than 76? Could include opioid tax, campaign finance commission, congestion pricing and criminal justice reform.
I ate a lot of macaroni and cheese tonight to carb up for a long Sunday/Monday in the Capitol covering the #nybudget.
The “aid to localities” #nybudget text is available. nysenate.gov/legislation/bi…
The “capital projects” #nybudget text is up too. Enjoy! legislation.nysenate.gov/pdf/bills/2019…
A source who went through the capital projects #nybudget bill says it includes $14.7 million for electronic poll books to implement #EarlyVoting. Report by @CitizensUnionNY estimated $14.9 million would be needed. Background: citizensunion.org/wp-content/upl…
The #nybudget won’t include the $20 million that child care advocates wanted to expand access to subsidies. It will include $26 million to increase reimbursements for providers.
Packed house for the first Assembly Ways & Means Committee meeting of the day.
Staff announces the #nybudget includes $175.4 billion in spending.
The #nybudget agreement will spend financial settlement money the way Cuomo proposed. Assembly had proposed some tweaks, but those are dead.
Background: blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archiv…
The Ways & Means Committee advanced four #nybudget bills. They also took up a bill addressing collective bargaining for state troopers and prison guards.
School aid runs are circulating around the #NYAssembly. #nybudget
Upstate counties will split more than $200 million in new revenue annually from collecting internet sales taxes and ending sales tax exemption for ESCOs. m.timesunion.com/news/article/B…
The #NYAssembly Democrats could be scrambling to get 76 votes on the "Big Ugly" #nybudget bill (that hasn't been printed yet). It will likely include a lot of items that lawmakers don't want to swallow (public financing of elections, opioid tax, etc.)
The governor appears to have secured agreements on his #nybudget checklist, although the fate of his ethics reform proposals remains unclear. blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archiv…
Here is a snapshot of the school aid figures in the #nybudget for the Albany, Schenectady and Troy city school districts. timesunion.com/news/article/S…
“I’m registering a protest vote...my real speech is coming for the Big Ugly,” promises Assembly Charles Barron. #nybudget
“You know these bills are not where they’re supposed to be,” says Assemblyman Charles Barron. He airs the chamber’s dirty laundry, explaining the behind the scenes pressure on Democrats to back the #nybudget bills.
Assemblyman Charles Barron says the Legislature has missed an opportunity to push back against Gov. Andrew Cuomo during the #nybudget process.
The revenue #nybudget bill (likely the "Big Ugly") has been updated. The text is not available yet. It will have a lot of items in it.
The #NYSenate passed the #nybudget bill addressing state transportation, economic development and environmental conservation by a vote of 39-22.
The Revenue #nybudget bill text is now available. G0ing through it now.
The revenue #nybudget bill includes the internet sales tax and ending sales tax exemption for ESCOs. story: timesunion.com/news/article/B…
The revenue #nybudget bill imposes a 20% tax on vapor products (#ecigs) and implements new regulations, restrictions and protections with regard to the use of tobacco and electronic cigarettes
Pour some out for the "Cannabis Regulation and Taxation Act," which was "intentionally omitted" from the #BigUgly #nybudget bill.
As expected the revenue #nybudget bill includes a 6% surcharge on car rentals to fund upstate transit systems, like the the CDTA.
BACKGROUND: timesunion.com/news/article/C…
As reported by the @timesunion, the revenue #nybudget bill includes language imposing an opioid tax.
BACKGROUND: timesunion.com/news/article/B…
Source (who reads faster than me) says the revenue #nybudget bill (AKA 'Big Ugly') includes a two-year extension of the film tax credit.
Ready to have your mind blown? The revenue #nybudget bill amends a #nybudget bill (that hasn't passed yet), giving Cuomo the authority to close three state prisons instead of two.
And here it is again! Big Ugly amends a #nybudget bill (that hasn't passed yet), which would have limited access to booking information. Now the proposal would just address "photographs" (aka #mugshots).
BACKGROUND on original deal by @RachelSilby: timesunion.com/news/article/N…
Reforms to the state's discovery process are in the revenue #nybudget bill, because of course.
The Big Ugly #nybudget bill tweaks the rules for the legislative, judicial and executive compensation committee. (Different then the one that met in December)
The Big Ugly tweaks the Public Authorities Control Board by limiting the powers of the representatives who serve on it and gives the governor the power to "immediately remove a member of the board" they believe is exceeding their legal authority. #nybudget
During Assembly floor debate on economic development #nybudget bill, Assemblyman Ed Ra notes that the language creating oversight of economic development spending was omitted.
#NYBudget analysis from Assemblyman Chris Tague, a Schoharie Republican.
Upstate Assembly Democrat says he is seriously considering voting against the Big Ugly #nybudget bill after seeing it includes three prison closures instead of two.
At least three Assembly Democrats are voting against the #nybudget bill relating to Transportation, economic development and environmental conservation. The carnage will be much worse on Big Ugly.
A Manhattan Assembly Democrat says that congestion pricing and criminal justice reform make the Big Ugly #nybudget bill palatable, despite opioid tax.
The school aid runs from the #nybudget are available. nyassembly.gov/2019budget/bud…
The State Operations #nybudget text is now available. legislation.nysenate.gov/pdf/bills/2019…
Incoming MTA chair Patrick Foye is in the Capitol.
The #nybudget continues the $20 million in funding for foreclosure prevention services. This money was going to run out tomorrow, but is back as part of an 11th hour agreement. Big issue for @empirejustice.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo will do a victory #nybudget lap at 4:45 p.m. in the Red Room.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo is joined by his top advisers to brief the media on final #nybudget deal.
.@ReinventAlbany notes that #nybudget is missing language ensuring comptroller’s ability to audit state contracts.
Raising the age for purchasing tobacco products to 21 will be dealt “outside of the #nybudget,” according to DOB spokesman. Assembly passed standalone bill already.
Gov. Cuomo says public financing was punted to a commission “because it is too complicated.” #nybudget
The state #nybudget commits $690 million over two years to reserves, according to Budget Director Robert Mujica.
The Assembly broke from passing #nybudget bills and Democrats entered private conference. The issue stems from the below language in the Big Ugly, according to two members.
Hat tip to @ZackFinkNews for the scoop. Just heard the same thing from Assembly Dem staffer.
Upstate Demcoratic Assembly members are breaking ranks on public protection and general government #nybudget bill. Woerner, Stirpe, Billy Jones, and Santabarbara are voting “no.”
Assemblyman Raia notes #RevengePorn is absent from #nybudget bill. This issue was already addressed as standalone legislation.
The Assembly is heading for a break after passing the PPGG #nybudget bill.
Lawmakers in both chambers confirm they were recently notified of plans to pass a special resolution authorizing a pay raise for Gov. Andrew Cuomo. First reported by @ZackFinkNews.
The Assembly is at recess at the call of the speaker. Multiple assembly Democrats say they’re heading for a three-hour break.
If, like me, you went to sleep last night, here is what you missed overnight in the Capitol:
1. The #nybudget bills passed
2. A pay raise for the governor was approved
Assemblywoman @PatriciaFahy109 statement on #nybudget.
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