It is called PREPA.
The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority. The sole electricity provider in Puerto Rico, owned and run by the government of Puerto Rico 🇵🇷
They want to completely crash it or privatize it.
Number 1 in served customers
Number 1 in revenues
Number 7 in kWh generated
Number 8 in kWh sales
*American Public Power Association, 2013-2014
That is a goldmine to trump’s swamp
Send asylum seekers to Puerto Rico and give Puerto Rico the billions you give to your swampy private prisons friends. I guarantee you Puerto Rican’s will raise and educate the kids properly.
End of thread
A chef, @chefjoseandres, did more for Puerto Rico than the entire government of the United States. From a few kitchens and a dozen food trucks.
End of Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 thread