However, if you want me to run for can make that part real. It will take a little bit from each of you in the most crowd-sourced campaign possible.
Susan Collins has about 500k followers on twitter alone.
She has access to near-unlimited financial resources.
Susan has a very favorable relationship with the media (particularly local) and can get any TV/radio/newspaper coverage she wants.
You. The person reading this tweet. Be an advocate.
Take 5 minutes a week to RT, like, comment, share.
If you see anyone talking about Susan, tell them the good stuff - #Readthebill, #MaineRaising
If you are media and reading this, maybe cover an unconventional campaign?
What do we do, then?
Channel every ounce of energy into making so much good happen with #MaineRaising that all of the bullshit falls to the side.

Sure, it can. How many people are mad at Susan Collins? 10k? 100k? Millions?
If even 10% of people who are mad at Susan did a #MaineRaising every time she did something that makes you want to yell at the sky, how much power would that have?
Mad about DeVos? Donate $10 to a school in Maine through, tell the teacher to pick a representative who will actually help their schools with a little bit about me and #MaineRaising.
...and we're poor, so every sale matters.
If you don't have financial resources to do a #MaineRaising, embrace our pastime and talk about the benefits of using $ in politics for our community.
If millions can do ridiculous challenges on youtube, we can fix our broken politics.
It starts with one race in Maine, we can make this the way politics should be.