You should be mad about this bill, whether you are pro-choice, pro-life, or DGAF.
This bill was written to make people angry, not make good law. I don't have the time to line by line this one, but here are highlights.
#Readthebill #mepolitics
A live birth is a live birth. A live birth creates the same laws for infants that apply to others.
Yeah, exactly, he committed crimes and was found guilty. This bill creates another level of law for something that is already illegal.
Except it doesn't work like that. What if your region suddenly gets a mass influx of something like Zika and you want the option to amend your laws - nope, now you have to get Congress to agree on it. 😐
Look at this sneaky language. If you are terminating a pregnancy late enough to create a live birth...

What shit is that?
If I were the most pro-life person that ever pro-lifed, I would *still* be mad at this law.
This is pure political theatre, not protection of children.