944 suppliers over $25K, total $1B, $78.9M in salaries + $ 4.6M in expenses, 15 severance agreements with non-unionized employees (1 to 18 mths comp.)
#bcpoli #cdnpoli #dirtymoney #publicinquirynow

Deloitte came out on top at $3,063,678, KPMG ($1,063,729), Ernst & Young ($490,049) and PriceWaterhouseCoopers ($58,800)
#bcpoli #vanpoli #moneylaundering #cdnpoli #dirtymoney #bcndp #bclp #bcgreens #corruption #publicinquirynow

Here's a sampling of 62 donors to the BC Liberal party and how they fared. Just a sampling of the donors who are suppliers.
#bcpoli #dirtymoney #publicinquirynow

The house always wins. :)