Totally mad? Well IDS makes one good point. A quick #Brexit thread.
So where does IDS have a point? /2

It necessarily leaves friction GB-EU and will still require tech and infrastructure to work GB-NI.
How realistic is it that UK government would actually implement all this, to create a 'temporary' solution no-one wants? /4

Think back to DEC when May asked for legal confirmation of that 'arrangement' by 2020 (to obviate backstop) and could not provide a decent answer. She was, to quote @JunckerEU "nebulous".
Well that aint gonna cut it. /6
The facts on the ground on that border make it impossible. As I tried to explain (again) last week
Or transfering phytosanitary checks in NI ports? Where animal health checks already happen? /9
Most don't dont really understand or much care about NI, but it's clear from readouts of meetings the DO care about NI being a lacuna to SM. /11
Well, recalling both sides have an obligation to maintain an open border (and we can all see how rocking politics is getting in NI after Derry shootings) the real-world answers aren't to be found in Malthouse.
However hard IDS and go wish it so.. /12
And even the @sajidjavid stuff I reported last week can't see an 'invisible' GB-EU border ready by 2030, best case. And that's in a space where there are incentives to make it work./13
...but in truth this is as much about keeping the 'one true Brexit' flame alive, as it is about reality. /14
Reality of what's negotiable with a bigger partner.
Reality about what tech can achieve.
Reality about economic merits of being out a CU with bloc that takes 48% of your exports.
Until then, we talk amongst ourselves. 15/ENDS