A #Thread
Cc @yinkanubi
#BeWare #Beaware

Two types mainly:
Those that can be read electronically
Those that can be read physically
Let's focus on the easiest and most vulnerable - those that can be read physically.
Expiry Date
...and with your PIN, anyone who has access to these can execute any transaction at will.
1. Card Present Transactions
2. Card Not Present Transactions (CNP)
Card Present is where your card is with you and used on channels such as ATM and PoS
Card Not Present is Internet, Mobile and USSD, etc
This means you do not allow anybody look over your should at the ATM and don't let any Cashier/Attendant take your card out of sight.
Be very very vigilant with your card details.
So, your card can be with you but transactions are being executed on your phone - this are CNP transaction frauds.
Sometimes, convenience is sweet over security therefore you need to determine how you want to manage Convenience and Security. (Another #Thread soon)
Unfortunately, they are unaware & want to hold the Banks liable. Sad
Cardholders have responsibility to keep their card details sacred/private like their toothbrushes & underwears