The #LagosStateGovernment in collaboration with all Partner agencies (NPHCDA, WHO, UNICEF, CHAI, Save the Children, JICA, Rotary etc.) will be conducting-
#Nigeria is unfortunately one of the three countries in the world and only country in Africa with endemic polio.
Three rounds of the outbreak response campaign will be conducted.
Irrespective of your child or wards vaccination status, kindly ensure they are immunised. House to house teams will also be coming to your houses ...
There is no cure for polio.The virus can only b prevented by Immunisation.
Sat 18th to Tues 21st May 2019
Sat 15th to Tues 18th June 2019
Please oblige house to house teams that visit you and ensure your child is vaccinated in both rounds.
Kindly help #Retweet and disseminate this information to more people.
Thank you and May #GodBlessYou