It is:
-Effective for all symptoms
There should be no question to use epi for anaphylaxis. But, deciding whether anaphylaxis is present is the tricky part. I'll address here⬇️ #FoodAllergyAwarenessWeek
Easiest definition is any combo of 2 or more organ systems:

Wake up with hives the next day? Not likely anaphylaxis.
Vomiting in setting of fever, feeling unwell - think viral illness.
Hives with viral illness - very common
Side effects are minimal at doses in autoinjectors. We all have adrenaline in our bodies, which is the same as epi.…
Accidental or unknown ingestion of food allergen but no symptoms? That's not anaphylaxis.
Hives without any other symptoms? Not anaphylaxis - that's hives.
Onset of anaphylaxis after accidental food ingestion may not be for 20-30 minutes. If epi given immediately with no symptoms, it's gone before reaction begins
-Antihistamines take 30-60 min to work
-Steroids take 4-6 hours
-Epinephrine takes 3-5 minutes and treats ALL symptoms of anaphylaxis
Hives + vomiting = anaphylaxis
Cough + swelling = anaphylaxis
People generally feel unwell and have acute change in demeanor - also occurs pretty soon after exposure.
After accidentally injecting myself during a demonstration, I assure you, it doesn't hurt and I was fine. 👍…
Anaphylaxis management has many nuances and an individual's risk, avoidance strategies, and treatment plan should ALWAYS be discussed with their personal allergist.