For this thread, allergy tests = skin prick, intradermal and blood IgE tests. These all evaluate for the presence of allergen specific IgE.
Allergy tests are not screening tests - cannot just 'see what shows up'…
People with chronic hives, sensitive skin, etc can have nonspecific irritation = neg control pops up & tests cant be interpreted
Negative predictive value very high.
But...false positives common.
The mere detection of IgE does not diagnose allergy! Long read:…
Tests often negative in young children because symptoms are not due to allergy.
Skin prick measures histamine response to allergen. Meds that block histamine, i.e. antihistamines, should be stopped ~5 days before testing. This does not include asthma inhalers.
There is no such thing as a test saying "I'm deathly allergic to ___"
At home testing, IgG testing, muscle tests, MRT, hair analysis, etc have no evidence to support their use. Great read by @john_damianos…
Results are not "positive" or "negative".
They can only be used to help determine likelihood of allergy being present.
A detailed clinical history is the most important test.
If someone orders dozens of tests without history = red flag.
As always, there are WAY more details than can be addressed through a Twitter thread.
When in doubt, see a board certified allergist who can discuss YOUR personal health.