Prioritising their well being over the pregnant woman. Even if you feel the woman has rights, you place the rights of the unborn first.
Criminalising the act of abortion, as a deterrent. But what is it intended to deter?
Abortion - clearly. But is that the intention here? Isn't it "Promiscuous" sex that is the "sin" you are looking to combat?
You are ok with the government legislating about the bodily autonomy of otherwise free citizens.
Would you be willing to let the state of Alabama legislate on your use of your body?
Would it be ok for the government of a state to legislate your reproductive rights / bodily autonomy?
If the medical procedure to reverse a Vasectomy was controlled by the state, and only administered to allow men to start pregnancies - there would be no unwanted babies thus no abortions (except for life threatening cases).
It's foolish to even entertain the idea that a society would let their government cook up such a scheme, robbing men of their reproductive rights!
Heck its just women after all.
Lets hope that society never gets to the point where men don't have the power to protect their fragile dangly parts. What would it feel like to have no control in that area?