-In line with current recommendations from Allergy orgs and @AmerAcadPeds pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/143/4/…

Testing for peanut allergy should ONLY be considered for infants at high risk for allergy. Great info: niaid.nih.gov/sites/default/…

NEVER use whole or partial peanuts, which are choking hazards.

As they expand their diet, normal changes occur with:
It is not mom's fault. Anyone who says differently - send them my way

-Vitamin D supplements
Exposure to antibiotics and antacids in the 1st 12 months are ASSOCIATED w increased risk for allergies - causal role TBD. Thoughtful use is key.
Accumulating and good EVIDENCE shows us this is our best current path towards preventing #foodallergy. #FoodAllergyAwarenessWeek
To see a real impact on rates of #foodallergy, we need widespread adoption.