Directors weren't Notified @CompaniesHouse within the Statutory Period, meaning 2 separate Criminal Breaches.
[s.167(1)(a) of the 2006 Companies Act]
= also 2 Criminal Offences committed by Co. No.08690023 [#SomeFakeLionesses], as per s.167(4)(a) of the Act.

No Criminal Offences committed by Co. or Officers;
@PedroMLosa & @BullySpecialOne weren't active until 10 May.
Problem is that according to Art.11 of its constitution, the renaming/MKDons-ing of #MillwallLionesses was invalid, as Co.08690023 was Inquorate since 23 Jan.

More on that later.
Fun/Games to ensue.
@CMAgovUK may have a shüftî.
Funny things like that, Registered Trademarks.
It was at this point Pedro knew he'd fucked up.
Chris felt at an imaginary tightening around his collar.
They'd been sold a dud by Crackpot Culligan.