I started a Telegram channel and am testing a v0.1 contract exchanging $LPT for $DAI.
Join our community: t.me/lptfutures

Bob puts Y $DAI.
Alice can now unbond X $LPT & wait the unbonding period, then deliver.
If Alice doesn't deliver by P, Bob claims Y + Z $DAI
Thanks @MakerDAO

Approve contract to spend DAI: oneclickdapp.com/diamond-explor…
Approve contract to spend LPT: oneclickdapp.com/arena-touch/
Thanks to @pi0neerpat for #oneclickdapp which made this possible.

Thanks to @willjgriff for his elegant Solidity Engineering!
Especially get in touch if you are a UX / UI Designer / Developer, we've got work to do: github.com/lptfutures/lpt…
IF (Livepeer Returns) > (MakerDAO Fees)
THEN this could get interesting!
ELSE who knows!?
Rough notes here: github.com/lptfutures/lpt…

Thanks to @ensdomains for building the tools to let me register lptfutures.eth ENS name!

Bring on #streamflow!

2 LPT for 10 DAI
Deliver by: block 7848000
Collateral: 4 DAI